首页 / 数据产品 / 按文献浏览 / Petrogenesis of the Late Triassic diorites in the Hoh Xil area, northern Tibet: Insights into the origin of the high-Mg# andesitic signature of continental crust

Petrogenesis of the Late Triassic diorites in the Hoh Xil area, northern Tibet: Insights into the origin of the high-Mg# andesitic signature of continental crust


Wang, J., Gou, G.-N., Wang, Q., Zhang, C., Dan, W., Wyman, D. A., & Zhang, X.-Z. (2018). Petrogenesis of the Late Triassic diorites in the Hoh Xil area, northern Tibet: Insights into the origin of the high-Mg# andesitic signature of continental crust. Lithos, 300-301, 348-360. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2017.12.007


Petrogenesis of the Late Triassic diorites in the Hoh Xil area, northern Tibet: Insights into the origin of the high-Mg# andesitic signature of continental crust

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