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Estimating corn canopy water content from normalized difference water index (NDWI): an optimized NDWI-based scheme and its feasibility for retrieving corn VWC


Chai, L.N., Jiang, H.Y., Crow, W.T., Liu, S.M., Liu, J., & Yang, S.Q. (2020). Estimating corn canopy water content from normalized difference water index (NDWI): an optimized NDWI-based scheme and its feasibility for retrieving corn VWC. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2020.3041039).


Estimating corn canopy water content from normalized difference water index (NDWI): an optimized NDWI-based scheme and its feasibility for retrieving corn VWC

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