首页 / 数据产品 / 按文献浏览 / The earliest Jurassic A-type rhyolites and high-Mg andesites–dacites in southern Jiangxi Province, southeast China: Evidence for delamination of a flat-slab?

The earliest Jurassic A-type rhyolites and high-Mg andesites–dacites in southern Jiangxi Province, southeast China: Evidence for delamination of a flat-slab?


Zhu, W.G., Zhong, H., Chen, X., Huang, H.Q., Bai, Z.J., Yao, J.H., Wang, Y.J., & Hu, P.C.(2020). The earliest Jurassic A-type rhyolites and high-Mg andesites–dacites in southern Jiangxi Province, southeast China: Evidence for delamination of a flat-slab? Lithos, 358-359, 105403.


The earliest Jurassic A-type rhyolites and high-Mg andesites–dacites in southern Jiangxi Province, southeast China: Evidence for delamination of a flat-slab?

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