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Black carbon and dust in the Third Pole glaciers: Revaluated concentrations, mass absorption cross-sections and contributions to glacier ablation


Li, Y., Kang, S.C., Zhang, X.L, Chen, J.Z., Schmale, J., Li, X.F., Zhang, Y.L., Niu, H.W., Li, Z.Q., Qin, X., He X.B., Yang, W., Zhang, G.S., Wang, S.J., Shao, L.L., & Tian, L.D. (2021). Black carbon and dust in the Third Pole glaciers: Revaluated concentrations, mass absorption cross-sections and contributions to glacier ablation. Sci Total Environ, 789, 147746.


Black carbon and dust in the Third Pole glaciers: Revaluated concentrations, mass absorption cross-sections and contributions to glacier ablation

年份 2021

Sci Total Environ

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