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The paleoclimatic footprint in the soil carbon stock of the Tibetan permafrost region


Ding, J., Wang, T., Piao, S., Smith, P., Zhang, G., Yan, Z., Ren, S., Liu, D., Wang, S., Chen, S., Dai, F., He, J., Li, Y., Liu, Y., Mao, J., Arain, A., Tian, H., Shi, X., Yang, Y., Zeng, N., & Zhao, L. (2019). The paleoclimatic footprint in the soil carbon stock of the Tibetan permafrost region. Nature Communications, 10(1), 4195. doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12214-5.


The paleoclimatic footprint in the soil carbon stock of the Tibetan permafrost region

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