首页 / 数据产品 / 按文献浏览 / The transformation of cropping patterns from Late Neolithic to Early Iron Age (5900–2100 BP) in the Gansu–Qinghai region of northwest China.

The transformation of cropping patterns from Late Neolithic to Early Iron Age (5900–2100 BP) in the Gansu–Qinghai region of northwest China.


Ren, L.L., Yang, Y., Wang, Q.Q., Zhang, S.J., Chen, T.T., Cui, Y.F., Wang, Z.L., Liang, G.J., Dong, G.H. (2020). The transformation of cropping patterns from Late Neolithic to Early Iron Age (5900–2100 BP) in the Gansu–Qinghai region of northwest China. Holocene, doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/0959683620941137.


The transformation of cropping patterns from Late Neolithic to Early Iron Age (5900–2100 BP) in the Gansu–Qinghai region of northwest China.

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