首页 / 数据产品 / 按文献浏览 / New constraints on the Cretaceous geodynamics of paleo-Pacific plate subduction: Insights from the Xiaojiang–Beizhang granitoids, Zhejiang Province, southeast China

New constraints on the Cretaceous geodynamics of paleo-Pacific plate subduction: Insights from the Xiaojiang–Beizhang granitoids, Zhejiang Province, southeast China


Liu, L., Hu, R.X., Zhong, H., Yang, J.H., Kang, L.F., Zhang, X.C., Fu, Y.Z., Mao, W. & Tang, Y.W. (2020). Petrogenesis of multistage S-type granites from the Malay Peninsula in the Southeast Asian tin belt and their relationship to Tethyan evolution. Gondwana Research, 84, 20–37


New constraints on the Cretaceous geodynamics of paleo-Pacific plate subduction: Insights from the Xiaojiang–Beizhang granitoids, Zhejiang Province, southeast China

年份 2018
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