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Geodynamic Evolution of Flat‐Slab Subduction of Paleo‐Pacific Plate: Constraints From Jurassic Adakitic Lavas in the Hailar Basin, NE China


Ji, Z., Meng, Q.A., Wan, C.B., Zhu, D. F., Ge, W.C., Zhang, Y.L., Yang, H., & Dong, Y. (2019). Geodynamic Evolution of Flat‐Slab Subduction of Paleo‐Pacific Plate: Constraints From Jurassic Adakitic Lavas in the Hailar Basin, NE China.Tectonics, 38(12).


Geodynamic Evolution of Flat‐Slab Subduction of Paleo‐Pacific Plate: Constraints From Jurassic Adakitic Lavas in the Hailar Basin, NE China

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