首页 / 数据产品 / 按文献浏览 / In situ trace elements and Sr isotopes in scheelite and S-Pb isotopes in sulfides from the Shiweidong W-Cu deposit, giant Dahutang ore field: Implications to the fluid evolution and ore genesis.

In situ trace elements and Sr isotopes in scheelite and S-Pb isotopes in sulfides from the Shiweidong W-Cu deposit, giant Dahutang ore field: Implications to the fluid evolution and ore genesis.


Cao J.Y., Yang X.Y., Zhang D.X., Yan F.B. (2020). In situ trace elements and Sr isotopes in scheelite and S-Pb isotopes in sulfides from the Shiweidong W-Cu deposit, giant Dahutang ore field: Implications to the fluid evolution and ore genesis. Ore Geology Reviews [J], 125 doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2020.103696.


In situ trace elements and Sr isotopes in scheelite and S-Pb isotopes in sulfides from the Shiweidong W-Cu deposit, giant Dahutang ore field: Implications to the fluid evolution and ore genesis.

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