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Zircon U-Pb ages and geochemistry of migmatites and granites in the Foping dome: Evidence for Late Triassic crustal evolution in South Qinling, China


Zhang, H., Li, S.Q., Fang, B.W., He, J.F., Xue, Y.Y., Siebel, W., & Chen, F. (2018). Zircon U-Pb ages and geochemistry of migmatites and granites in the Foping dome: Evidence for Late Triassic crustal evolution in South Qinling, China. Lithos, 296-299, 129-141.


Zircon U-Pb ages and geochemistry of migmatites and granites in the Foping dome: Evidence for Late Triassic crustal evolution in South Qinling, China

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