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HIRM variation in the Ganzi loess of the eastern Tibetan Plateau since the last interglacial period and its paleotemperature implications for the source region


Chen, Z.X., Yang, S.L., Luo, Y.L., Chen, H., Liu, L., Liu, X.J., Wang, S.Y., Yang, J.H., Tian, W.D., & Xia, D.S. (2022). HIRM variation in the Ganzi loess of the eastern Tibetan Plateau since the last interglacial period and its paleotemperature implications for the source region. Gondwana Research 101, 233-242.


HIRM variation in the Ganzi loess of the eastern Tibetan Plateau since the last interglacial period and its paleotemperature implications for the source region

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