According to the global soil map. Net standard, the 0-1m soil depth is divided into 5 layers: 0-5cm, 5-15cm, 15-30cm, 30-60cm and 60-100cm. According to the principle of soil landscape model, the spatial distribution data products of soil silt content in different layers are made by using the digital soil mapping method. The American system classification is used as the standard of soil particle classification. The source data of this data set comes from the soil profile data integrated by the major research plan integration project of Heihe River Basin (soil data integration and soil information product generation of Heihe River Basin, 91325301). Scope: Heihe River Basin; Projection: WGS · 1984 · Albers; Spatial resolution: 100M; Data format: TIFF; Dataset content: hh_silt_layer1.tif: 0-5cm soil silt content; hh_silt_layer2.tif: 5-15cm soil silt content; hh_silt_layer3.tif: 15-30cm soil silt content; hh_silt_layer4.tif: 30-60cm soil silt content; hh_silt_layer5.tif:60-100cm soil silt content;
ZHANG Ganlin
According to the global soil map. Net standard, the 0-1m soil depth is divided into 5 layers: 0-5cm, 5-15cm, 15-30cm, 30-60cm and 60-100cm. According to the principle of soil landscape model, the spatial distribution data products of soil clay content in different layers are made by using the digital soil mapping method. The American system classification is used as the standard of soil particle classification. The source data of this data set comes from the soil profile data integrated by the major research plan integration project of Heihe River Basin (soil data integration and soil information product generation of Heihe River Basin, 91325301). Scope: Heihe River Basin; Projection: WGS · 1984 · Albers; Spatial resolution: 100M; Data format: TIFF; Dataset content: hh_clay_layer1.tif: 0-5cm soil clay content; hh_clay_layer2.tif: 5-15cm soil clay content; hh_clay_layer3.tif: 15-30cm soil clay content; hh_clay_layer4.tif: 30-60cm soil clay content; hh_clay_layer5.tif: 60-100cm soil clay content;
ZHANG Ganlin
This data set includes the continuous observation data set of light temperature and surface temperature and humidity measured by the vehicle borne microwave radiometer from November 10 to 14, 2013 in aroucaochang, arouxiang, Qilian County, Qinghai Province. The surface temperature and humidity include six layers of temperature sensor at the soil depth of 1cm, 3cm, 5cm, 10cm, 15cm, 20cm and six layers of humidity sensor at the soil depth of 0-5cm. The time frequency of routine observation of soil temperature and humidity is 5 minutes. Data details: 1. Time: November 10-14, 2013 2. data: Brightness temperature: observed by vehicle mounted multi frequency passive microwave radiometer, including 6.925, 10.65, 18.7 and 36.5ghz V polarization and H polarization data Soil temperature: use the sensor installed on dt80 and dt85 to measure the soil temperature of 1cm, 5cm, 10cm, 20cm, and 1cm, 3cm, 5cm, 10cm, 15cm, which is measured by the sensor connected to dt80 Soil moisture: use h-probe sensor to measure 0-5cm soil moisture, the probe can measure 0-5cm soil temperature at the same time 3. Data size: 16.7M 4. Data format:. Xls
ZHAO Shaojie, KOU Xiaokang, YE Qinyu, MA Mingguo
This data set includes the observation data of 40 water net sensor network nodes in Babao River Basin in the upper reaches of Heihe River since the end of June 2013. Soil moisture of 4cm, 10cm and 20cm is the basic observation of each node; 19 nodes include the observation of soil moisture and surface infrared radiation temperature; 11 nodes include the observation of soil moisture, surface infrared radiation temperature, snow depth and precipitation. The observation frequency is 5 minutes. The data set can be used for hydrological simulation, data assimilation and remote sensing verification.
KANG Jian, LI Xin, MA Mingguo
This project is based on the gsflow model of USGS to simulate the surface groundwater coupling in Zhangye basin in the middle reaches of Heihe River. The space-time range and accuracy of the simulation are as follows: Simulation period: 1990-2012; Simulation step: day by day; The spatial scope of simulation: Zhangye basin; The spatial accuracy of simulation: the underground part is 1km × 1km grid (5 layers, the total number of grids in each layer is 150 × 172 = 25800, among which the active grid 9106); the surface part is based on the hydrological response unit (HRU) (588 in total, each HRU covers an area of several square kilometers to dozens of square kilometers). The data include: surface infiltration, actual evapotranspiration, average soil moisture content, surface groundwater exchange, shallow groundwater level, simulated daily flow of Zhengyi gorge, simulated monthly flow of Zhengyi gorge, groundwater extraction and river diversion
Soil respiration observation was carried out for the typical vegetation ground in the lower reaches of the Heihe River Basin during the aviation flight experiment in 2014. The observation started on 23 July, 2014 and finished on 2 August, 2014. 1. Observation time Days from 23 July to 2 August, 2014 (25 July, 2014 excepted) 2. Samples and observation methods Large areas with relatively homogeneous vegetation (greater than 100 m * 100 m) were chosen as the observation samples. And combined the flux tower sites distribution of the lower reaches, five field samples closed to the sites were selected The observation sites sampled including Populus and Tamarix mixed forest, Populus, Tamarix group, bare ground and melon quadrats. 3-5 plots were observed for each samples. The PVC soil rings were installed one day before observation and kept about 5 cm out of the ground (the inner diameter of the PVC is 19.5 cm, the outer diameter is 20.0 cm, and the height is 12.0 cm). Minimal the effects to the surface of vegetation and withered matter when install the rings. In order to avoid fluctuations of the soil respiration value by the PVC rings, soil respiration rate was obtained when it returned to its original state (about 24h after the rings install). The observation time for each day was from 8:00 to 12:00 when soil respiration is relatively stable and can represent the whole day in this time. The Li-8100 Open Path soil carbon flux automatic analyzer was used (Model 8100-103) once for each plot. Cycles of observation for all plots of the five samples were completed for every morning. The soil respiration values of the samples were obtain by averaging the values of plots of the samples. 3. Observation instrument Li 8100 4. Data storage The observation recorded data were stored in excel and the original Soil respiration data were stored in 81x files.
REN Zhiguo
The aim of the simultaneous observation of land surface temperature is obtaining the land surface temperature for different kinds of underlying surface, including the lager areas of homogeneous vegetation with high coverage, water, and concrete floor, while the thermal imager go into the experimental areas of the low reaches. All the land surface temperature data will be used for validation of the retrieved land surface temperature from thermal imager and the analysis of the scale effect of the land surface temperature, and finally serve for the validation of the plausibility checks of the surface temperature product from remote sensing. 1. Observation time On 1 August, 2014 2. Observation samples Three field samples were chosen in the fly zone, which were large areas of homogeneous vegetation (with high coverage), water, and concrete floor. 3. Observation method Surface temperature values were observed continuously for each sample using handheld infrared thermometers during the imager went into the flying area. 4. Instrument parameters and calibration The field of view of the handheld infrared thermometer is one degree and the emissivity was assumed to be 0.95. All instruments were calibrated on 31 July, 2014 using a black body. 5. Data storage All the observation data were stored in an excel.
Li Yimeng, REN Zhiguo, Zhou Shengnan, MA Mingguo
The dataset of automatic meteorological observations was obtained at the Dayekou Guantan forest station (E100°15′/N38°32′, 2835m), south of Zhangye city, Gansu province, from Oct. 1, 2007 to Dec. 31, 2009. Guantan forest station was dominated by the 15-20m high spruce and the surface was covered by 10cm deep moss. All the vegetation was in good condition. Observation items were the multilayer (2m and 10m) wind speed and direction, the air temperature and moisture, rain and snow gauges, snow depth, photosynthetically active radiation, four components of radiation from two layers (, 1.68m and 19.75 m), stem sap flow, the surface temperature, the multi-layer soil temperature (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm and 120cm),soil moisture (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm and 120cm) and soil heat flux (5cm & 15cm). As for detailed information, please refer to Meteorological and Hydrological Flux Data Guide.
MA Mingguo, Wang Weizhen, TAN Junlei, HUANG Guanghui, Zhang Zhihui
The dataset of automatic meteorological observations was obtained at the A'rou freeze/thaw observation station from Jul. 25, 2008 to Dec. 31, 2009, in Wawangtan pasture (E100°28′/N38°03′, 3032.8), Daban, A'rou. The experimental area, situated in the valley highland of south Babaohe river, an upper stream branch of Heihe river, with a flat and open terrain slightly sloping from southeast to southeast and hills and mountains stretching for 3km is ideal for a horizontal homogeneous underlying surface. Observation items included multilayer (2m and 10m) of the wind speed, the air temperature and air humidity, the air pressure, precipitation, four components of radiation, the multilayer soil temperature (10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm, 120cm and 160cm), soil moisture (10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm, 120cm and 160cm), and soil heat flux (5cm & 15cm). The raw data were level0 and the data after basic processes were level1, in which ambiguous ones were marked; the data after strict quality control were defined as Level2. The data files were named as follows: station+datalevel+AMS+datadate. Level2 or above were strongly recommended to domestic users. As for detailed information, please refer to Meteorological and Hydrological Flux Data Guide.
HU Zeyong, MA Mingguo, Wang Weizhen, HUANG Guanghui, Zhang Zhihui, TAN Junlei
The dataset of automatic meteorological observations was obtained from Jun. 1, 2008 to Dec. 31, 2009 at the Huazhaizi desert station which is located in Anyangtan (E100°19'06.9″/N38°45'54.7″), south of Zhangye city, Gansu province,. The experimental area, situated in the middle stream of Heihe river, with a flat and open terrain and sparse vegetation cover is an ideal desert observing field. Observation items included the multi-layer (2m and 10m) wind speed and direction, the air temperature, precipitation, the four components of radiation, the surface infrared temperature, the multi-layer soil temperature (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm and 160cm), soil moisture (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm and 160cm) and soil heat flux (5cm & 10cm). The raw data were level0 and the data after basic processes were level1; the data after strict quality control were defined as Level2. The data files were named as follows: station+datalevel+AMS+datadate.. As for detailed information, please refer to “Meteorological and Hydrological Flux Data Guide".
LI Xin, XU Ziwei
The dataset of automatic meteorological observations was obtained at the Linze grassland station (E100 °04'/N39°15', 1394m) from Oct. 1, 2007 to Oct. 27, 2008. The landscape is dominated by wetland and saline land. Observation items were multilayer (2m, 4m and 10m) of the wind speed and direction, air temperature and humidity, air pressure, precipitation, four components of radiation, the surface temperature, the soil temperature (5cm, 10cm, 20cm and 40cm), and the multilayer soil temperature (2cm, 5cm and 10cm). The dataset was released at different levels: Level1 were transformed raw data and stored in .csv month by month; Level2 were processed data after correction and quality control. As for detailed information, please refer to Meteorological and Hydrological Flux Data Guide.
HU Zeyong, MA Mingguo, Wang Weizhen, TAN Junlei, HUANG Guanghui, Zhang Zhihui
The dataset of automatic meteorological observations was obtained at the Binggou cold region hydrometerological station (N38°04′/E100°13′), south of Qilian county, Qinghai province, from Sep. 25, 2007 to Dec. 31, 2009. The experimental area with paramo and riverbed gravel, situated in the upper stream valley of Heihe river, is ideal for the flat and open terrain and hills and mountains stretching outwards. The items were multilayer (2m and 10m) of the air temperature and air humidity, the wind speed, the air pressure, precipitation, four components of radiation, the multilayer soil temperature (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm and 120cm), soil moisture (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm and 120cm), and soil heat flux (5cm and 15cm). The raw data were level0 and the data after basic processes were level1, in which ambiguous ones were marked; the data after strict quality control were defined as Level2. The data files were named as follows: station+datalevel+AMS+datadate. Level2 or above were strongly recommended to domestic users. The period from Sep. 25, 2007 to Mar. 12, 2008 was the pre-observing duration, during which hourly precipitation data (fragmented) and the soil temperature and soil moisture data were to be obtained. Stylized observations began from Mar. 12, 2008. As for detailed information, please refer to Meteorological and Hydrological Flux Data Guide.
WANG Jian, CHE Tao, MA Mingguo, Wang Weizhen, LI Hongyi, HAO Xiaohua, HUANG Guanghui, Zhang Zhihui, TAN Junlei
The dataset of automatic meteorological observations was obtained at the Dadongshu mountain snow observation station (E100°14′/N38°01′, 4101m) from Oct. 29, 2007 to Oct. 1, 2009. The experimental area with a flat and open terrain was slightly sloping from southeast to northwest. With alpine meadow and stones, and snow in autumn, winter and spring, the landscape was ideal. Observation items were multilayer (2m and 10m) of the wind speed, the air temperature and air humidity, the air pressure, rain and snow gauges, snow depth, four components of radiation, the multilayer soil temperature (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm, and 120cm), soil moisture (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm, and 120cm), and soil heat flux (5cm & 15cm). The raw data were level0 and the data after basic processes were level1, in which ambiguous ones were marked; the data after strict quality control were defined as Level2. The data files were named as follows: station+datalevel+AMS+datadate. Level2 or above were strongly recommended to domestic users. As for detailed information, please refer to Meteorological and Hydrological Flux Data Guide.
WANG Jian, CHE Tao, LI Hongyi, HAO Xiaohua
The dataset of automatic meteorological observations was obtained at the Yingke oasis station from Nov. 5, 2007 to Oct. 31, 2009. The observation site is located in an irrigation farmland in Yingke (E100°24′37.2″/N38°51′25.7″, 1519.1m), Zhangye city, Gansu province. The experimental area, situated in the middle stream Heihe river basin and with windbreaks space of 500m from east to west and 300m from south to north, is an ideal choice for its flat and open terrain. Observation items were multilayer (2m and 10m) of the wind speed and direction, air temperature and humidity, air pressure, precipitation, four components of radiation; the surface infrared temperature; the multilayer soil temperature (10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm, 120cm and 160cm), the soil moisture (10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm, 120cm and 160cm), and soil heat flux (5cm & 15cm). The raw data were level0 and the data after basic processes were level1, in which ambiguous ones were marked; the data after strict quality control were defined as Level2. The data files were named as follows: station+datalevel+AMS+datadate. Level2 or above were strongly recommended to domestic users. As for detailed information, please refer to Meteorological and Hydrological Flux Data Guide.
MA Mingguo, Wang Weizhen, TAN Junlei, HUANG Guanghui, Zhang Zhihui
The dataset of the ground-based microwave radiometers and ground truth observations (multi-frequency, multi-polar multi-angle) for soil freeze/thaw cycle in the A'rou foci experimental area from Oct. 19 to 25, 2007, during the pre-observation period, X-band from Oct. 20 to 25, S-band from Oct. 20 to 25, K-band from Oct. 19 to 24, and Ka-band from Oct. 20 to 24, to be specific. The aims of the measurements were the effects of the soil freeze/thaw status on the microwave brightness temperatures. Those provide reliable ground data for improving and verifying microwave radiative transfer models and parameters retrieval of soil freeze/thaw status. Time-continuous ground observations synchronizing with the ground-based microwave radiometers including self-recording and manual measurements, were carried out in No. 1 quadrate of A'rou with dry natural grassland as the landscape. (1) self-recording observations: the soil temperatures at 0cm, 5cm, 10cm, 15cm and 20cm by the temperature probe from Oct. 21 to 25, 2007, and shallow layer soil moisture at 0-5cm, 5cm, 10cm, 15cm and 20cm by TDR from Oct. 19 to 21 2007. Both time interval of the observations were 5 minutes. (2) manual observations: the surface radiative temperature by the handheld infrared thermometer, the soil temperature at 0cm, 5cm, 10cm, 15cm and 20cm by the glass geothermometer, and the mean soil temperature from 0-5cm by the probe thermometer. The time interval of observations was 30 minutes from Oct. 19-21, 2007.
BAI Yunjie, CAO Yongpan, HAO Xiaohua, LI Hongyi, LI Xin, LI Zhe, QIN Chun, Wang Weizhen
The dataset of the ground-based microwave radiometers and ground truth observations for soil freeze/thaw cycle was obtained in the A'rou foci experimental area (N38º03.639'/E100º26.793'; 2998m) from May 5 to 8, 2008, S-band from Apr. 6 to 8, C-band from Apr. 7 to 8, K-band from Apr. 5 to 8, and Ka-band on Apr. 5, to be specific. The aims of the measurements were the effects of the soil freeze/thaw status on the microwave brightness temperatures. The observation site was bare land and the soil moisture was 30% after artificial irrigation. Observation items included the soil temperature at 5cm automatically (the time interval: 10m), the soil temperature at 5cm, 10cm, 20cm and 30cm by the probe thermometer (the time interval: 1h), and the soil moisture at 5cm, 10cm, 20cm and 30cm automatically (the time interval: 10m). Seven files were included, four ground-based microwave radiometers (S-band, C-band, K-band and Ka-band) observations, the automatic soil temperature, the manual soil temperature, and the automatic soil moisture, and the last three were archived in Excel format.
CAO Yongpan, CHE Tao, HAO Xiaohua, LI Zhe, Wang Weizhen, WU Yueru
The dataset of the survey at the sampling plots in the transit zone between oasis and desert was obtained in the Linze station foci experimental area. Observation items included: (1) soil moisture and temperature of the soil profiles (0-10cm, 10-20cm, 20-30cm and 30-40cm) measured by the cutting ring method (50cm^3, once each layer) and the probe thermometer (15cm, twice each layer) on May 25, 2008. Data were archived as Excel files. (2) biomass (green weight and dry weight, samples from 0.5m×0.5m) with photos measured by the plant harvesting in LY07 quadrate on Jun. 22, 2008. Data were archived as Excel files. (3) vegetation coverage measured by the diagonal method on Jun. 22, 2008. By estimating the coverage along the two diagonals, the total coverage of the plot can be developed. Data were archived as Excel files.
GAO Song, PAN Xiaoduo, Qian Jinbo, SONG Yi, WANG Yang, ZHU Shijie
The dataset of automatic meteorological observations was obtained at the Dayekou Maliantan grassland station (E100°18′/N38°33′, 2817m) from Nov. 2, 2007 to Dec. 31, 2009. The experimental area with a flat and open terrain was slightly sloping from southeast to northwest. The landscape was mainly grassland, with vegetation 0.2-0.5m high. Observation items were multilayer gradient (2m and 10m) of the wind speed, the air temperature and air humidity, the air pressure, precipitation, four components of radiation, the multilayer soil temperature (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm, and 120cm), soil moisture (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm, and 120cm), and soil heat flux (5cm & 15cm). The raw data were level0 and the data after basic processes were level1, in which ambiguous ones were marked; the data after strict quality control were defined as Level2. The data files were named as follows: station+datalevel+AMS+datadate. Level2 or above were strongly recommended to domestic users. As for detailed information, please refer to Meteorological and Hydrological Flux Data Guide.
MA Mingguo, Wang Weizhen, TAN Junlei, HUANG Guanghui, Zhang Zhihui
First, Data Description The data includes stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope data of snow melt water, river water and soil water from July 2013 to April 2014. Second, Sampling Sites The snowmelt water sampling point is located in the middle of the third area, with a latitude and longitude of 99°53′28.004′′E, 38°13′25.781′′N, and the number of acquisitions is 3 times; The river water sampling point is located at the exit of the Hulugou Basin, with a latitude and longitude of 99°52′47.7′′E, 38°16′11′′N, and the sampling frequency is once a week; The soil water sampling point is located in the middle and lower part of the Hongnigou catchment area, with a sampling depth of 90cm and 180cm underground, and a latitude and longitude of 99°52'25.98′′E, 38°15′36.11′′N. Third, Testing Method The samples were measured by L2130-i ultra-high precision liquid water and water vapor isotope analyzer.
CHANG Qixin, SUN Ziyong
1、 Data Description: the data includes the content of silica in snowmelt water and soil water in hulugou small watershed from May 2013 to April 2014. 2、 Sampling location: the sampling point of snowmelt water is located near 600m below No.2 meteorological station, with ground elevation of 3514.45m, longitude and latitude of 99 ° 53 ′ 20.655 ″ e, 38 ° 14 ′ 14.987 ″ n. The sampling point of soil water is located at 300m above and below the No.2 meteorological station, with the longitude and latitude of 99 ° 53 ′ 31.333 ″ E and 38 ° 13 ′ 50.637 ″ n. 3、 Measurement method: the content of silica in the sample was measured by ICP-AES. Silicon dioxide is replaced by the value of Si in the solution.
SUN Ziyong, CHANG Qixin
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