These datasets fill the data gap between GRACE and GRACE-FO, they contain CSR RL06 Mascon and JPL RL06 Mascon. They take China as the study area, and the dataset includes "Decimal_time”, "lat”, "lon”, "time”, "time_bounds”, "TWSA_REC" and "Uncertainty" 7 parameters in total. Among them, "Decimal_time” corresponds to decimal time. There are 191 months from April 2002 to December 2019 (163 months for GRACE data, 17 months for GRACE-FO data, and 11 months for the gap between GRACE and GRACE-FO. We have not filled the missing data of individual months between GRACE or GRACE-FO data). "lat" corresponds to the latitude range of the data; "lon" corresponds to the longitude range of the data; "time" corresponds to the cumulative day of the data from January 1, 2002. And "time_bounds" corresponding to the cumulative day at the start date and end date of each month. “TWSA_REC" represents the monthly terrestrial water storage anomalies from April 2002 to December 2019 in China; "Uncertainty" is the uncertainty between the data and CSR RL06 Mascon products. We use GRACE satellite data from CSR GRACE/GRACE-FO RL06 Mascon solutions (version 02), China Gauge-based Daily Precipitation Analysis (CGDPA, version 1.0) data, and CN05.1 temperature dataset. The precipitation reconstruction model was established, and the seasonal and trend terms of CSR RL06 Mascon products were considered to obtain the dataset of terrestrial water storage anomalies in China. The data quality is good as a whole, and the uncertainty of most regions in China is within 5cm. This dataset complements the nearly one-year data gap between GRACE and GRACE-FO satellites, and provides a full time series for long-term land water storage change analysis in China. As the CSR RL06 Mascon product, the average value between 2004.0000 and 2009.999 is deducted from this dataset. Therefore, the 164-174 months (i.e., July 2017 to May 2018) of this dataset can be directly extracted as the estimation of terrestrial water storage anomalies during the gap period. The reconstruction method for the gap of JPL RL06 Mascon is consistent with that of CSR RL06 Mascon.
ZHONG Yulong, FENG Wei, ZHONG Min, MING Zutao
The dataset of ground truth measurement synchronizing with the airborne microwave radiometers (L&K bands) mission was obtained in the Biandukou foci experimental area on May 25, 2008. Observation items included: (1) the soil temperature in L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6 and L7; (2) roughness measured by the roughness grid board and collected by the digital camera. Files with "result" field were processed data, in which the first row was RMS height (cm; one value), the second row was distance (cm), and the third row was correlation function (cm; changed into correlation length when it is 1/e). (3) GPR and TDR data. Five files were included, roughness photos and preprocessed data, the soil temperature, coordinates of quadrates and sampling lines, GPR and microwave radiometer data. All were archived as Excel and .txt files. Those provide reliable ground data for development and validation of soil moisture and freeze/thaw algorithms from active remote sensing approaches.
BAI Yunjie, CAO Yongpan, CHE Tao, DU Ziqiang, HAO Xiaohua, WANG Zhixia, WU Yueru, CHAI Yuan, CHANG Sheng, QIAN Yonggang, SUN Xiaoqing, WANG Jindi, YAO Dongping, ZHAO Shaojie, ZHENG Yue, ZHAO Yingshi, LI Xiaoyu, PATRICK Klenk, HUANG Bo, LI Shihua, LUO Zhen
The dataset of ground truth measurement synchronizing with PROBA CHRIS was obtained in No. 2 and 3 quadrates of the A'rou foci experimental area on Jun. 23, 2008. Observation items included: (1) quadrates investigation including GPS by GARMIN GPS 76, plant species by manual cognition, the plant number by manual work, the height by the measuring tape repeated 4-5 times, phenology by manual work, the coverage by manual work (compartmentalizing 0.5m×0.5m into 100 to see the percentage the stellera takes) and the chlorophyll content by SPAD 502. Data were archived in Excel format. (2) roughness by the self-made roughness board and the camera. The processed data were archived as .txt files. (3) BRDF by ASD FieldSpec (350~2 500 nm), with 20% reference board and the observation platform made by Beijing Normal University. The processed reflectance and transmittivity were archived as .txt files. (4) LAI of stellera and pasture by the fisheye camera (CANON EOS40D with a lens of EF15/28), shooting straight downwards, with exceptions of higher plants, which were shot upwards. Data included original photos (.JPG) and those processed by can_eye5.0 (in Excel). For more details, see Readme file. Five files were included, spectrum in No.2 quadrate, multiangle observations in No.2 and 3 quadrates, roughness photos in No.2 and 3 quadrates, the fisheye camera observations, and the No.2 and 3 quadrates investigation.
CAO Yongpan, DING Songchuang, HAO Xiaohua, DONG Jian, Qu Yonghua, YU Yingjie
The dateset of the ground-based RPG-8CH-DP microwave radiometer observations was obtained in the Biandukou foci experimental area from Mar. 14 to 17, 2008. Observation items included the brightness temperature by the ground-based microwave radiometer (18.7GHz and 36.5GHz), the soil temperature by the thermal resistor, the gravimetric soil moisture by the microwave drying method, and the surface roughness by the grid board. The wheat stubble land (38°15'44.13"N, 100°55'35.34"E) was chosen for continuous observations from 11:00 to 24:00 on Mar. 14, with the incidence 20°-70° and the step length 5°. The rape stubble land (38°15'23.17"N, 100°58'37.84"E) was chosen for continuous observations from 10:00 to 21:30 on Mar. 16, with the incidence 20°-70° and the step length 5°. The deep plowed land (38°18'8.28"N, 101° 3'27.22"E) was chosen for short time observations from 17:26 to 19:20 on Mar. 17, with the azimuth angle 240°-300° and the step length 10°, the incidence 40°-70° and the step length 5°. The brightness temperature was archived as .BRT and .txt files (the ASCII format). Each row in .txt was listed by year, month, date, hour, minute, second, 6.925GHz (h), 6.925GHz (v), 10.65GHz (h), 10.65GHz (v) , 18.7GHz (h), 18.7GHz (v), 36.5GHz (h), 36.5GHz (v), the elevation angle, and the azimuth angle. Values for 6.925GHz and 10.65GHz were zero due to malfunction. The roughness data were obtained by the grid board and the camera and the RMS height (cm) and correlation length (cm) were also calculated and archived, which could be opened by Notepad or Microsoft Office Word. Those provide reliable reference for the roughness of the same land cover type. The gravimetric soil moisture (soil samples from 0-1cm, 1-3cm and 3-5cm) was measured by the microwave drying method. The file can be opened by Microsoft Office Word. The shallow layer soil moisture was measured by hydra prob from 12:00 to 17:00 on 14 and by the Hydra probe (straight downward for 0-5cm) and HH2 (level into the soil surface) on 16. The surface temperature was measured by the thermal resistor. The file can be opened by Microsoft Office Word. Four data files were included, the brightness temperature, the surface temperature, the soil moisture and the surface roughness.
CHANG Sheng, LIANG Xingtao, PAN Jinmei, PENG Danqing, ZHANG Yongpan, ZHANG Zhiyu, ZHAO Shaojie, Zhao Tianjie, ZHENG Yue, YIN Xiaojun, ZHANG Zhiyu
The dataset of survey at the poplar sampling plot was obtained in the Linze station foci experimental area. Observation items included: (1) soil profile moisture and temperature (0-5cm, 0-5cm, 10-20cm, 20-40cm and 40-60cm) with photos measured twice by the cutting ring method (50cm^3, each layer), once by ML2X Soil Moisture Tachometer and the probe thermometer (15cm, twice each layer) on Jun. 3, 2008. Data were archived as Excel files. (2) shallow layer soil moisture (0-5cm) measured once by the cutting ring method (50cm^3, once each point) and twice by ML2X Soil Moisture Tachometer on Jun. 4, 2008. 13 points were selected and data were archived as Excel files. (3) LAI by TRAC on Jul. 20, 2008. Data were archived as Excel files. (4) roughness measured by the roughness plate together with the digital camera. 18 points were selected and data were archived in JPG format format. (5) forest investigation of Populus gansuensis from Jun. 5-13, 2008: coordinates, the diameter at breast height and the crown size by the measuring tape, full height by TruPulse200. 408 trees were selected and data were archived as Excel files. See the metadata record “WATER: Dataset of setting of the sampling plots and stripes in the Linze station foci experimental area” for more information of the quadrate locations.
BAI Yanfen, DING Songchuang, HAO Xiaohua, PAN Xiaoduo, Qian Jinbo, SONG Yi, WANG Yang, WANG Zhixia, ZHU Shijie
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