This data set includes the monthly synthesis of 30m*30m surface LAI products in Qilian mountain area in 2019. Max value composition (MVC) method was used to synthesize monthly NPP products on the surface using the reflectivity data of Landsat 8 and sentinel 2 channels from Red and NIR channels.
WU Junjun, ZHONG Bo
This data set includes the monthly synthesis of 30m*30m surface vegetation index products in Qilian mountain area in 2019. Max value composition (MVC) method was used to synthesize monthly NDVI products on the surface using the reflectivity data of Landsat 8 and sentinel 2 channels from Red and NIR channels.
WU Junjun, ZHONG Bo
This data set includes the monthly synthesis of 30m LAI products in Qilian mountain area in 2020. Max value composition (MVC) method was used to synthesize monthly LAI products on the surface using the reflectivity data of Landsat 8 and sentinel 2 channels from Red and NIR channels.
WU Junjun, ZHONG Bo
This data set includes the monthly synthesis of 30m*30m surface vegetation index products in Qilian mountain area in 2020. Max value composition (MVC) method was used to synthesize monthly FVC products on the surface using the reflectivity data of Landsat 8 and sentinel 2 channels from Red and NIR channels.
WU Junjun, ZHONG Bo
This data set is a three-level classification map of Eurasian grassland remote sensing in 2009. The data is in TIF grid format, with a spatial resolution of 1km. The three-level grassland is classified as: temperate meadow grassland, temperate typical grassland, temperate desertification grassland, temperate grassland desertification, and temperate desert. The data is processed according to the ESA global cover 2009 Product global cover map, combined with the historical meteorological data (precipitation, annual accumulated temperature, humidity coefficient, evaporation) and DEM data of ECMWF website. The data can be used to provide the basis for the distribution information and temporal and spatial variation analysis of warm grassland in Eurasia.
TANG Jiakui
This data set is a spatiotemporal variation map of temperate grassland types in Eurasia - three level classification of Inner Mongolia region of China (2009). The data is in TIF grid format with a spatial resolution of 1km. The data is processed on the basis of the existing grass type map of Inner Mongolia grassland. The grassland type map of Inner Mongolia grassland is based on the field survey data, neimengqi County as the unit, the grassland type classification system, on the basis of prediction, the field sample data, remote sensing image and other information data are superposed, and the local historical grassland survey data and relevant data are referred to, and the field plot is modified. We select 2000-2009 historical meteorological data, further analyze and modify the satellite data, and carry out spatial interpolation calculation. The classification of temperate grassland in Inner Mongolia was obtained. The data can be used to provide the basis for the distribution information and temporal and spatial variation analysis of warm grassland in Eurasia.
TANG Jiakui
This dataset is based on the long sequence (1981-2013)normalized difference vegetation index product(Version 3) of the latest NOAA Global Inventory Monitoring and Modeling System (GIMMS). First, the NDVI data products were re-sampled from the spatial resolution of 1/12 degree to 0.5 degree, then the time series of every year was smoothed by the double-logistic method, and the smoothed curvature was calculated. The maximum curvature of spring was selected as the returning green stage of the vegetation in Spring. This data can be used to analyze the temporal and spatial characteristics of the Holarctic vegetation phenology in Spring.
XU Xiyan
The dataset is the land cover of Qing-Tibet Plateau in 2010. The data format is a TIFF file, spatial resolution is 300 meters, including crop land, grassland, forest land, urban land, and so on. The dataset offers a geographic fundation for studying the interaction between urbanization and ecological reservation of Qing-Tibet Plateau. This land cover data is a product of CCI-LC project conducted by European Space Agency. The coordinate reference system of the dataset is a geographic coordinate system based on the World Geodetic System 84 reference ellipsoid. There are 22 major classes of land covers. The data were generated using multiple satellite data sources, including MERIS FR/RR, AVHRR, SPOT-VGT, PROBA-V. Validation analysis shows the overall accuracy of the dataset is more than 70%, but it varies with locations and land cover types.
DU Yunyan
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