Dating data of debris flow and dammed lake sediments in complex mountainous areas from 2019 to 2021. The data collection sites are complex mountainous areas prone to debris flow in the eastern and southern edges of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. The experimental analysis is mainly completed in the salt lake chemical analysis and testing center of Qinghai Salt Lake Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the analysis and testing center of Chengdu Mountain Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences. The instruments used include RIS ø TL / OSL – Da – 20 automatic luminescence instrument, etc. The age data set of debris flow sediments in typical complex mountainous areas is established, the formation age of debris flow sediments in complex mountainous areas is quantitatively studied, and the ancient debris flow disaster activity history in complex mountainous areas is determined.
HU Guisheng
The data set contains the magnetism, grain size, geochemical element, chromaticity and organic carbon isotope data of 119 topsoils in the middle and upper reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River, southern Tibetan Plateau; contains the age, magnetism, grain size, geochemical element, chromaticity and organic carbon isotope data of the five aeolian sedimentary sections in this region; and contains chronological data of 36 aeolian sediments, provenance data of 46 samples from different sediments, and Sr-Nd isotopic data of 21 samples from different sediments. The magnetic susceptibility was measured using a Bartington MS2 metre with a dual-frequency sensor; The anhysteretic remanent magnetization was induced by LDA-5 demagnetizer, and was measured using a JR-6A Minispin magnetometer; The grain size was measured by Malvern Mastersizer 2000 laser particle size analyzer; The geochemical element was determined by X-ray fluorescence spectrometer; The chromaticity was measured by CM-700d spectrophotometer; The organic carbon isotope was determined by element analyzer-stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer (EA-IRMS); Optically stimulated luminescence measurements were conducted using an automated Risø-TL/OSL-DA-20 reader; For the AMS14C and Sr-Nd isotope measurements, please refer to the main body of the scientific research report. The data set is rich in information, authentic and reliable, and provides an important data reference for understanding the physical and chemical properties of surface dust, provenance, and the long-term evolution history of ancient dust in Yarlung Zangbo River basin, southern Tibetan Plateau. Funded project: The Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition Program (STEP), Task 6 Topic 2 "Dust aerosol and its climatic and environmental effects" (2019QZKK0602).
XIA Dunsheng, YANG Shengli, YANG Junhuai, WANG Shuyuan, LING Zhiyong, WANG Fei
This data set contains Chen Co fossil diatoms, Chen Co conductivity reconstruction, Nam Co fossil diatoms, and Nam Co conductivity reconstruction. It can be used to study the characteristics of the living diatom species and for quantitative reconstruction of the paleoenvironments of the lakes of the Tibetan Plateau. The diatom data are obtained on the basis of the sample identification statistics, the water environment data are measured by the instrument, and the reconstructed conductivity is calculated from the diatom-salinity conversion function. This data set is obtained from laboratory measurements. The data are obtained immediately after the completion of the instrument or experiment. The samples and data are collected in strict accordance with relevant operating procedures at all stages. There are 6 subtables in this dataset: Subtable 1 is for a lake environment and has 18 fields, which are the lake name, number, lake number, latitude, longitude, water depth, altitude and water environment indicators; Subtable 2 is for the diatoms in surface sediments and has 4 fields, which are the lake serial number, the diatom abbreviation, the diatom name and its content; Subtable 3 is for the Chen Co diatoms and has 6 fields, which are sample number, analysis number and depth, diatom abbreviation, diatom name and its content; Subtable 4 is for the Chen Co conductivity reconstruction and has 3 fields, which are the depth, age, and conductivity of diatom reconstruction; Subtable 5 is for Nam Co fossil diatoms and has 5 fields. The first two fields are depth and age, and the other fields are the contents of diatoms of different species; and Subtable 6 is for the Nam Co conductivity reconstruction and has 3 fields, which are the depth, age, and conductivity of the diatom reconstruction. The dimension of diatom content in each subtable is the percentage of percent. The units of sample depth, water depth, age, longitude, latitude, altitude, ion content and conductivity are cm, m, AD, ° east longitude, ° north latitude, m, mg/L, and μS/cm, respectively. The diatom samples are collected from approximately 90 lakes on the Tibetan Plateau within a longitude range of 84.528 -102.360 °E and a latitude range of 28.148-38.897 °N; altitude: 2797-5180 m.
YANG Xiangdong
This dataset contains monthly 0.05°×0.05° (1982, 1985, 1990, 1995, and 2000) and 0.01°×0.01° (2005, 2010, 2015 and 2017) LST products in Qilian Mountain Area. The dataset was produced based on SW algorithm by AVHRR BT from thermal infrared channels (CH4: 10.5µm to 11.3µm; CH5: 11.5µm to 12.5µm) at a resolution of 0.05°, MYD21A1 LST products at a resolution of 0.01° along with some auxiliary datasets. The auxiliary datasets include IGBP land cover type, AVHRR NDVI products, Modern Era Retrospective-Analysis for Research and Applications-2 (MERRA-2) reanalysis data, ASTER GED, Lat/Lon and the Julian Day information.
WANG Junbo, SHAO Xuemei
The project studying the evolution pattern and development trend of the arid environment in western China was a major research component of the project Environmental and Ecological Science for West China, which was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. The leading executive of the project was Academician Zhisheng An from the Institute of Earth Environment of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The project ran from January 2002 to December 2004. The data collected by the project include the following: 1. History and variability data for arid regions in western China: 1) Chinese Loess Plateau mass accumulation rate data (3600-0 kyr BP): Fields include age and mass accumulation rate (MAR) (txt file). 2) Chinese Loess Plateau grain size and magnetic susceptibility data (3600-0 kyr BP): Fields include age, stacked mean grain size, and stacked magnetic susceptibility (txt file). 2. Sporopollen content data of different loess strata since 12 kyr BP in the Yaozhou District of Shanxi Province (excel table): The distributions of 27 species of sporopollen (0-397 cm) from 67 different layers of loess samples are included. 3. 10Be record data (table) 10Be concentration, magnetic susceptibility and bulk density data of loess with different thicknesses (79.67- 0.09 kyr BP). 4. Simulation data on the modulation of the East Asian monsoon resulting from orbital variability driven by the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau: nc file, nc file, nc file, nc file, nc file, nc file, nc file.
AN Zhisheng
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