To fully implement the measures for the administration of the scientific data for the "government budget funding for formation of the scientific data shall, in accordance with the open as normal, not open for exception principle, by the competent department to organize the formulation of scientific data resources directory, the directory should be timely access to the national data sharing and data exchange platform, open to society and relevant departments to share, In the spirit of unimpeded military-civilian sharing channels for scientific data, and in accordance with the relevant requirements of relevant exchange standards and specifications, this code is now established for the second Comprehensive scientific investigation and research project on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The main drafting unit of this code: Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS. Main draftsman of this specification: project group 9 of the second Comprehensive Scientific investigation and research Mission of qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
YANG Yaping
Log and image are unique and important primary data of field research, and also an important part of scientific data. In order to further standardize the collection, collation, warehousing and exchange of expedition logs and image data of the second Comprehensive scientific investigation and research project on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and ensure the operability, organization and standardization of the warehousing of expedition logs and image data, this technical specification is formulated. This specification provides procedures and methods for the collection and collation of investigation logs and image data, including work preparation, field investigation, data collation and other requirements, in order to better serve the storage of investigation data. This specification applies to the collation and storage of log and image data of field investigations organized by the second Comprehensive scientific investigation and research project on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and other relevant data formed by field investigations can also be carried out by reference to this technical specification.
YANG Yaping
The basic data source of this dataset is from the website of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA satellites are meteorological observation satellites. Provide meteorological environment information including temperature, precipitation, dew point, wind speed, etc. This dataset mainly covers key nodes in the pan-third pole Southeast Asia and Middle East regions. The main steps of data processing are as follows: First, according to the definition of high temperature heat waves in China's national standard "GB / T 29457-2012", based on basic meteorological data, determine the occurrence of high temperature heat waves, and then statistically obtain the frequency of high temperature heat waves. The time and occurrence intensity are collated to obtain the historical high temperature heat wave disaster event data set. This data set is helpful for clarifying the occurrence of extreme high temperature disasters in each study area, and provides reference materials and a strong basis for judging the intensity of high temperature heat waves in each area.
GE Yong, LIU Qingsheng
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