This dataset contains daily 0.05°×0.05° land surface soil moisture products in Qilian Mountain Area in 2021. The dataset was produced by utilizing the optimized wavelet-coupled-RF downscaling model (RF-OWCM) to downscale the SMAP L3 Radiometer Global Daily 36 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture (SMAP L3, V8). The auxiliary datasets participating in the downscaling model include the MUltiscale Satellite remotE Sensing (MUSES) LAI/FVC product, the daily 1-km all-weather land surface temperature dataset for the Chinese landmass and its surrounding areas (TRIMS LST-TP;) and Lat/Lon information.
CHAI Linna, ZHU Zhongli, LIU Shaomin
This dataset contains daily 0.05°×0.05° land surface soil moisture products in Qilian Mountain Area in 2020. The dataset was produced by utilizing the optimized wavelet-coupled-RF downscaling model (RF-OWCM) to downscale the SMAP L3 Radiometer Global Daily 36 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture (SMAP L3, V8). The auxiliary datasets participating in the downscaling model include GLASS Albedo, MUSES LAI/FVC, Daily 1-km all-weather land surface temperature dataset for Western China (TRIMS LST-TP; 2000-2021) V2 and Lat/Lon information.
CHAI Linna, ZHU Zhongli, LIU Shaomin
Soil freezing depth (SFD) is necessary to evaluate the balance of water resources, surface energy exchange and biogeochemical cycle change in frozen soil area. It is an important indicator of climate change in the cryosphere and is very important to seasonal frozen soil and permafrost. This data is based on Stefan equation, using the daily temperature prediction data and E-factor data of canems2 (rcp45 and rcp85), gfdl-esm2m (rcp26, rcp45, rcp60 and rcp85), hadgem2-es (rcp26, rcp45 and rcp85), ipsl-cm5a-lr (rcp26, rcp45, rcp60 and rcp85), miroc5 (rcp26, rcp45, rcp60 and rcp85) and noresm1-m (rcp26, rcp45, rcp60 and rcp85), The data set of annual average soil freezing depth in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau with a spatial resolution of 0.25 degrees from 2007 to 2065 was obtained.
PAN Xiaoduo, LI Hu
This biophysical permafrost zonation map was produced using a rule-based GIS model that integrated a new permafrost extent, climate conditions, vegetation structure, soil and topographic conditions, as well as a yedoma map. Different from the previous maps, permafrost in this map is classified into five types: climate-driven, climate-driven/ecosystem-modified, climate-driven/ecosystem protected, ecosystem-driven, and ecosystem-protected. Excluding glaciers and lakes, the areas of these five types in the Northern Hemisphere are 3.66×106 km2, 8.06×106 km2, 0.62×106 km2, 5.79×106 km2, and 1.63×106 km2, respectively. 81% of the permafrost regions in the Northern Hemisphere are modified, driven, or protected by ecosystems, indicating the dominant role of ecosystems in permafrost stability in the Northern Hemisphere. Permafrost driven solely by climate occupies 19% of permafrost regions, mainly in High Arctic and high mountains areas, such as the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
RAN Youhua, M. Torre Jorgenson, LI Xin, JIN Huijun, Wu Tonghua, Li Ren, CHENG Guodong
This dataset contains daily 0.05°×0.05° land surface soil moisture products in Qilian Mountain Area in 2019. The dataset was produced by utilizing the optimized wavelet-coupled-RF downscaling model (RF-OWCM) to downscale the “AMSR-E and AMSR2 TB-based SMAP Time-Expanded Daily 0.25°×0.25° Land Surface Soil Moisture Dataset in Qilian Mountain Area (SMsmapTE, V1)”. The auxiliary datasets participating in the downscaling model include GLASS Albedo/LAI/FVC, Thermal and Reanalysis Integrating Medium-resolution Spatial-seamless LST – Tibetan Plateau (TRIMS LST-TP) by Ji Zhou and Lat/Lon information.
CHAI Linna, ZHU Zhongli, LIU Shaomin
This data includes the soil microbial composition data in permafrost of different ages in Barrow area of the Arctic. It can be used to explore the response of soil microorganisms to the thawing in permafrost of different ages. This data is generated by high through-put sequencing using the earth microbiome project primers are 515f – 806r. The region amplified is the V4 hypervariable region, and the sequencing platform is Illumina hiseq PE250; This data is used in the articles published in cryosphere, Permafrost thawing exhibits a greater influence on bacterial richness and community structure than permafrost age in Arctic permafrost soils. The Cryosphere, 2020, 14, 3907–3916, . This data can also be used for the comparative analysis of soil microorganisms across the three poles.
KONG Weidong
Long term surface soil moisture (SSM) data with stable and consistent quality are critical for global environment and climate change monitoring. L band radiometers onboard the recently lunched Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission can provide the state-of-the-art accuracy SSM, but the short temporal coverage of the data records has limited its applications in long-term studies. While Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS (AMSR-E) and AMSR2 series provide long term observational records of multi-frequency radiometers (C, X, and K bands). This dataset contains 20 years (2002-2022) global spatio-temporal consistent surface soil moisture. The resolution is 36 km at daily scale, the projection is EASE-Grid2, and the data unit is m3 / m3. This dataset adopts the soil moisture neural network retrieval algorithm developed by Yao et al. (2017). This study transfers the merits of SMAP to AMSR-E/2 through using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in which SMAP standard SSM products serve as training targets with AMSR-E/2 brightness temperature (TB) as input. Finally, long term soil moisture data are output. This dataset can reproduce the spatial and temporal distribution of SMAP soil moisture, with comparable accuracy as SMAP soil moisture product. This dataset also compares well with in situ SSM observations at 14 dense validation networks globally, with accuracy of 5% volumetric water content, and outperforms AMSR-E/2 standard SSM products from JAXA and LPRM. This global observation-driven dataset spans nearly two decades at present, and is extendable though the ongoing AMSR2 and upcoming AMSR3 missions for long-term studies of climate extremes, trends, and decadal variability.
YAO Panpan, LU Hui
The ground temperature, moisture and ice content at various depth (0 cm, 4 cm, 10 cm, 20 cm, 40 cm, 80 cm, 120 cm, 160 cm, 240 cm, 400 cm, 600 cm, 900 cm, 1200 cm, 1400 cm, 1500 cm) was generated through the SHAW model, which was evaluated by observations at AWS stations and WSN in the study area and could be used in research relevant on soil freezing and thawing.
ZHANG Yanlin
This dataset contains SMAP time-expanded monthly 0.25°×0.25° land surface soil moisture products in Qilian Mountain Area of 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995 and 2000. The dataset was produced based on Random Forest method by utilizing SMMR, SSM/I and SSMIS brightness temperature from 19 GHz V/H and 37 GHz V channels along with some auxiliary datasets. The auxiliary datasets participating in the RF training include IGBP land cover type, GTOPO30 DEM and Lat/Lon information.
CHAI Linna, ZHU Zhongli, LIU Shaomin
This data set contains observational data of permafrost active layer depth and surface landscape from six locations along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway from 2004 to 2009. Data source: the Local Investigation of Permafrost on the Tibetan Plateau funded by the Specialized Program of Basic Science and Technology. The observation method is the soil temperature method, which is to observe the interannual variation of the active layer depth in permafrost regions by laying out an active layer temperature probe. The data are calculated and reorganized at last.
This data set includes the observation data of 25 water net sensor network nodes in Babao River Basin in the upper reaches of Heihe River from January 2015 to December 2015. 4cm and 20cm soil moisture / temperature is the basic observation of each node; some nodes also include 10cm soil moisture / temperature, surface infrared radiation temperature, snow depth and precipitation observation. The observation frequency is 5 minutes. The data set can be used for hydrological simulation, data assimilation and remote sensing verification. For details, please refer to "2015 data document 20160501. Docx of water net of Babao River in the upper reaches of Heihe River"
KANG Jian, LI Xin, MA Mingguo
This data set includes the observation data of 40 water net sensor network nodes in Babao River Basin in the upper reaches of Heihe River since the end of June 2013. Soil moisture of 4cm, 10cm and 20cm is the basic observation of each node; 19 nodes include the observation of soil moisture and surface infrared radiation temperature; 11 nodes include the observation of soil moisture, surface infrared radiation temperature, snow depth and precipitation. The observation frequency is 5 minutes. The data set can be used for hydrological simulation, data assimilation and remote sensing verification.
KANG Jian, LI Xin, MA Mingguo
First, Data Description The data includes stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope data of snow melt water, river water and soil water from July 2013 to April 2014. Second, Sampling Sites The snowmelt water sampling point is located in the middle of the third area, with a latitude and longitude of 99°53′28.004′′E, 38°13′25.781′′N, and the number of acquisitions is 3 times; The river water sampling point is located at the exit of the Hulugou Basin, with a latitude and longitude of 99°52′47.7′′E, 38°16′11′′N, and the sampling frequency is once a week; The soil water sampling point is located in the middle and lower part of the Hongnigou catchment area, with a sampling depth of 90cm and 180cm underground, and a latitude and longitude of 99°52'25.98′′E, 38°15′36.11′′N. Third, Testing Method The samples were measured by L2130-i ultra-high precision liquid water and water vapor isotope analyzer.
CHANG Qixin, SUN Ziyong
1、 Data Description: the data includes the content of silica in snowmelt water and soil water in hulugou small watershed from May 2013 to April 2014. 2、 Sampling location: the sampling point of snowmelt water is located near 600m below No.2 meteorological station, with ground elevation of 3514.45m, longitude and latitude of 99 ° 53 ′ 20.655 ″ e, 38 ° 14 ′ 14.987 ″ n. The sampling point of soil water is located at 300m above and below the No.2 meteorological station, with the longitude and latitude of 99 ° 53 ′ 31.333 ″ E and 38 ° 13 ′ 50.637 ″ n. 3、 Measurement method: the content of silica in the sample was measured by ICP-AES. Silicon dioxide is replaced by the value of Si in the solution.
SUN Ziyong, CHANG Qixin
This data set includes the observation data of 40 water net sensor network nodes in Babao River Basin in the upper reaches of Heihe River since January 2014. Soil moisture of 4cm, 10cm and 20cm is the basic observation of each node; 19 nodes include the observation of soil moisture and surface infrared radiation temperature; 11 nodes include the observation of soil moisture, surface infrared radiation temperature, snow depth and precipitation. The observation frequency is 5 minutes. The data set can be used for hydrological simulation, data assimilation and remote sensing verification. Please refer to "waternet data document 20141206. Docx" for details
KANG Jian, LI Xin, MA Mingguo
The dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with Envisat ASAR was obtained in No.2 quadrate of the A'rou foci experimental area on Oct. 17, 2007 during the pre-observation period. The Envisat ASAR data were in AP mode and VV/VH polarization combinations, and the overpass time was approximately at 23:04 BJT. The quadrate was divided into 3×3 subsites, with each one spanning a 30×30 m2 plot. 25 sampling points were chosen, including centers and corners of each subsites. Simultaneous with the satellite overpass, numerous ground data were collected, soil volumetric moisture by ML2X; soil volumetric moisture, soil conductivity, soil temperature, and the real part of soil complex permittivity by WET soil moisture sensor; the surface radiative temperature by the hand-held infrared thermometer; soil gravimetric moisture, volumetric moisture, and soil bulk density after drying by the cutting ring (100cm^3). Meanwhile, vegetation parameters as height, coverage and water content were also observed. Surface roughness was detailed in the "WATER: Surface roughness dataset in the A'rou foci experimental area". Those provide reliable ground data for retrieval and validation of soil moisture and freeze/thaw status from active remote sensing approaches.
BAI Yunjie, HAO Xiaohua, LI Hongyi, LI Xin, LI Zhe
The dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with Envisat ASAR was obtained in No. 1 and 2 quadrates of the Biandukou foci experimental area on Oct. 17, 2007 during the pre-observation period. The ASAR data were in AP mode and VV/VH polarization combinations, and the overpass time was approximately at 23:04 BJT. Both the quadrates were divided into 3×3 subsites, with each one spanning a 30×30 m2 plot. 25 sampling points were chosen, including centers and corners. Simultaneous with the satellite overpass, numerous ground data were collected: the soil temperature , volumetric soil moisture (cm^3/cm^3), soil salinity (s/m), soil conductivity (s/m) by the Hydra probe, the surface radiative temperature by the handheld infrared thermometer, gravimetric soil moisture, volumetric soil moisture, and soil bulk density by drying soil samples from the cutting ring (100cm^3). Meanwhile, vegetation parameters as height, coverage and water content were also observed. Those provide reliable ground data for the development and validation of soil moisture, soil freeze/thaw algorithms and the forward model from active remote sensing approaches.
BAI Yunjie, CAO Yongpan, LI Xin, Wang Weizhen, WANG Xufeng
The dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with Envisat ASAR was obtained in in No. 2 and 3 quadrates of the A'rou foci experimental areas on Mar. 15, 2008. The Envisat ASAR data were in AP mode and VV/VH polarization combinations, and the overpass time was approximately at 11:35 BJT. The quadrates were divided into 4×4 subsites, with each one spanning a 30×30 m2 plot. Only corner points of each subsite were chosen for observations. In No. 2 quadrate, simultaneous with the satellite overpass, numerous ground data were collected, the soil temperature, soil volumetric moisture, the loss tangent, soil conductivity, and the real part and the imaginary part of soil complex permittivity by the POGO soil sensor, the mean soil temperature from 0-5cm by the probe thermometer, the surface radiative temperature measured three times by the hand-held infrared thermometer, soil gravimetric moisture, volumetric moisture, and soil bulk density after drying by the cutting ring (100cm^3). In No. 3 quadrate, simultaneous with the satellite overpass, numerous ground data were collected, the soil temperature, soil volumetric moisture, the loss tangent, soil conductivity, and the real part and the imaginary part of soil complex permittivity by the POGO soil sensor, soil volumetric moisture by ML2X, the mean soil temperature from 0-5cm by the probe thermometer, the surface radiative temperature measured three times by the hand-held infrared thermometer, soil gravimetric moisture, volumetric moisture, and soil bulk density after drying by the cutting ring (100cm^3). Surface roughness was detailed in the "WATER: Surface roughness dataset in the A'rou foci experimental area". Besides, GPR (Ground Penetration Radar) observations were also carried out in No. 1 quadrate of A'rou. Those provide reliable ground data for retrieval and validation of soil moisture and freeze/thaw status from active remote sensing approaches.
CAO Yongpan, GU Juan, HAN Xujun, LI Zhe, Wang Weizhen, WU Yueru, LI Hua, YU Meiyan, ZHAO Jin, PATRICK Klenk, YUAN Xiaolong
The dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with Envisat ASAR and ALOS PALSAR was obtained in the Linze station foci experimental area on May 24, 2008. The data were in AP mode and VV/VH polarization combinations, and the overpass time was approximately at 11:34 BJT. Observation items included: (1) soil moisture (0-5cm) measured once by cutting ring method at corner points of the 40 subplots of the west-east desert transit zone strip, one time by cutting ring method in nine subplots of the north-south desert transit zone, strip and once by the cutting ring and three times by ML2X Soil Moisture Tachometer in the center points of nine subplots of Wulidun farmland quadrates . The preprocessed soil volumetric moisture data were archived as Excel files. (2) surface radiative temperature by measured two handheld infrared thermometer (5# and 6# from Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute which were both calibrated) in 40 subplots of the west-east desert transit zone strip (repeated 14-30 times each), and nine subplots of the north-south desert transit zone strip (repeated 12-30 times). There are 34 sample points in total and each was repeated three times synchronizing with the airplane. Photos were taken. Data were archived as Excel files. (3) LAI, the plant height and the spacing measured by the ruler and the set square in Wulidun farmland quadrates and Linze station quadrates. Part of the samples were also measured by LI-3100. Data were archived as Excel files. See the metadata record “WATER: Dataset of setting of the sampling plots and stripes in the Linze station foci experimental area” for more information of the quadrate locations.
BAI Yanfen, DING Songchuang, PAN Xiaoduo, WANG Yang, ZHU Shijie, LI Jing, XIAO Zhiqiang, SUN Jinxia
The dataset of ground truth measurements synchronizing with Envisat ASAR was obtained in No.1 (freeze/thaw status), No. 2 (snow parameters) and No. 3 (freeze/thaw status) quadrates of the A'rou foci experimental areas on Mar. 12, 2008. The Envisat ASAR data were in AP mode and VV/VH polarization combinations, and the overpass time was approximately at 11:29 BJT. The quadrates were divided into 4×4 subsites, with each one spanning a 30×30 m2 plot. Center and corner points of each subsite were chosen for all observations except for the cutting ring measurements which only observed the center points. In No. 1 quadrate, numerous ground data were collected, the soil temperature, soil volumetric moisture, the loss tangent, soil conductivity, and the real part and the imaginary part of soil complex permittivity by the POGO soil sensor, soil volumetric moisture by ML2X, the soil volumetric moisture profile (10cm, 20cm, 30cm, 40cm, 60cm and 100cm) by PR2, the mean soil temperature from 0-5cm by the probe thermometer, soil gravimetric moisture, volumetric moisture, and soil bulk density after drying by the cutting ring (100cm^3). In No. 2 quadrate, simultaneous with ASAR, snow parameters were measured, the snow surface temperature by the thermal infrared probe, the snow layer temperature by the probe thermometer, the snow grain size by the handheld microscope, snow density by the aluminum case, the snow surface temperature and the snow-soil interface temperature by the thermal infrared probe, snow spectrum by ASD, and snow albedo by the total radiometer. In No. 3 quadrate soil volumetric moisture, soil conductivity, the soil temperature, and the real part of soil complex permittivity were measured by WET, the mean soil temperature from 0-5cm by the probe thermometer (5# and 7#), the surface radiative temperature by the hand-held infrared thermometer (5#), and soil gravimetric moisture, volumetric moisture, and soil bulk density after drying by the cutting ring (100cm^3). Surface roughness was detailed in the "WATER: Surface roughness dataset in the A'rou foci experimental area". Besides, GPR (Ground Penetration Radar) observations were also carried out in No. 1 quadrate of A'rou. Those provide reliable ground data for retrieval and verification of soil moisture and freeze/thaw status from active remote sensing approaches.
BAI Yanfen, CAO Yongpan, GE Chunmei, GU Juan, HAN Xujun, LI Zhe, LIANG Ji, MA Mingguo, SHU Lele, WANG Jianhua, WANG Xufeng, WU Yueru, XU Zhen, QU Wei, CHANG Cun, DOU Yan, MA Zhongguo, YU Meiyan, ZHAO Jin, JIANG Tenglong, XIAO Pengfeng , LIU Yan, ZHANG Pu, PATRICK Klenk, YUAN Xiaolong
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