The data set records the statistics of precipitation in major areas of Qinghai Province from 2001 to 2020, and the data is divided by month and year. The data are collected from qinghai Statistical Yearbook released by Qinghai Provincial Bureau of Statistics. The dataset contains 20 data tables, all of which have the same structure. For example, the data table for 2020 has 11 fields: Field 1: month Field 2: region Field 3: Xining Field 4: Haidong Field 5: Haibei Field 6: South Yellow Field 7: Hainan Field 8: Golo Field 9: Yushu Field 10: Hersey Field 11: Golmud City
Qinghai Provincial Bureau of Statistics
This data set includes meteorological data observed by the carbon flux station in the Guoluo Army Ranch in Qinghai. The temporal coverage is from 2005 to 2009, and the temporal resolution is 1 day. Meteorological and carbon flux data observation methods: vorticity-related observation instruments were used for automatic recording; biomass observation method: harvest method, weighing in a 60-degree oven for 48 hours. Both carbon flux and meteorological data were automatically recorded by the instruments and manually checked. During the data observation process, the operation of the instrument and the selection of the observation objects were in strict accordance with professional requirements, and the data could be applied to plant leaf photosynthetic parameter simulation and productivity estimation. This data contains observation items as follows: Temperature °C Precipitation mm Wind speed m/s Soil temperature at 5 cm depth °C Photosynthetically active radiation µmol/m²s Total radiation W/m²
ZHAO Xinquan
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