The data set includes annual mass balance of Naimona’nyi glacier (northern branch) from 2008 to 2018, daily meteorological data at two automatic meteorological stations (AWSs) near the glacier from 2011 to 2018 and monthly air temperature and relative humidity on the glacier from 2018 to 2019. In the end of September or early October for each year , the stake heights and snow-pit features (snow layer density and stratigraphy) are manually measured to derive the annual point mass balance. Then the glacier-wide mass balance was then calculated (Please to see the reference). Two automatic weather stations (AWSs, Campbell company) were installed near the Naimona’nyi Glacier. AWS1, at 5543 m a. s.l., recorded meteorological variables from October 2011 at half hourly resolution, including air temperature (℃), relative humidity (%), and downward shortwave radiation (W m-2) . AWS2 was installed at 5950 m a.s.l. in October 2010 at hourly resolution and recorded wind speed (m/s), air pressure (hPa), precipitation (mm). Data quality: the quality of the original data is better, less missing. Firstly, the abnormal data in the original records are removed, and then the daily values of these parameters are calculated. Two probes (Hobo MX2301) which record air temperature and relative humidity was installed on the glacier at half hour resolution since October 2018. The observed meteorological data was calculated as monthly values. The data is stored in Excel file. It can be used by researchers for studying the changes in climate, hydrology, glaciers, etc.
ZHAO Huabiao
The dataset of automatic meteorological observations was obtained at the Dayekou Guantan forest station (E100°15′/N38°32′, 2835m), south of Zhangye city, Gansu province, from Oct. 1, 2007 to Dec. 31, 2009. Guantan forest station was dominated by the 15-20m high spruce and the surface was covered by 10cm deep moss. All the vegetation was in good condition. Observation items were the multilayer (2m and 10m) wind speed and direction, the air temperature and moisture, rain and snow gauges, snow depth, photosynthetically active radiation, four components of radiation from two layers (, 1.68m and 19.75 m), stem sap flow, the surface temperature, the multi-layer soil temperature (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm and 120cm),soil moisture (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm and 120cm) and soil heat flux (5cm & 15cm). As for detailed information, please refer to Meteorological and Hydrological Flux Data Guide.
MA Mingguo, Wang Weizhen, TAN Junlei, HUANG Guanghui, Zhang Zhihui
The dataset of automatic meteorological observations was obtained at the A'rou freeze/thaw observation station from Jul. 25, 2008 to Dec. 31, 2009, in Wawangtan pasture (E100°28′/N38°03′, 3032.8), Daban, A'rou. The experimental area, situated in the valley highland of south Babaohe river, an upper stream branch of Heihe river, with a flat and open terrain slightly sloping from southeast to southeast and hills and mountains stretching for 3km is ideal for a horizontal homogeneous underlying surface. Observation items included multilayer (2m and 10m) of the wind speed, the air temperature and air humidity, the air pressure, precipitation, four components of radiation, the multilayer soil temperature (10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm, 120cm and 160cm), soil moisture (10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm, 120cm and 160cm), and soil heat flux (5cm & 15cm). The raw data were level0 and the data after basic processes were level1, in which ambiguous ones were marked; the data after strict quality control were defined as Level2. The data files were named as follows: station+datalevel+AMS+datadate. Level2 or above were strongly recommended to domestic users. As for detailed information, please refer to Meteorological and Hydrological Flux Data Guide.
HU Zeyong, MA Mingguo, Wang Weizhen, HUANG Guanghui, Zhang Zhihui, TAN Junlei
The dataset of automatic meteorological observations was obtained from Jun. 1, 2008 to Dec. 31, 2009 at the Huazhaizi desert station which is located in Anyangtan (E100°19'06.9″/N38°45'54.7″), south of Zhangye city, Gansu province,. The experimental area, situated in the middle stream of Heihe river, with a flat and open terrain and sparse vegetation cover is an ideal desert observing field. Observation items included the multi-layer (2m and 10m) wind speed and direction, the air temperature, precipitation, the four components of radiation, the surface infrared temperature, the multi-layer soil temperature (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm and 160cm), soil moisture (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm and 160cm) and soil heat flux (5cm & 10cm). The raw data were level0 and the data after basic processes were level1; the data after strict quality control were defined as Level2. The data files were named as follows: station+datalevel+AMS+datadate.. As for detailed information, please refer to “Meteorological and Hydrological Flux Data Guide".
LI Xin, XU Ziwei
The dataset of automatic meteorological observations was obtained at the Linze grassland station (E100 °04'/N39°15', 1394m) from Oct. 1, 2007 to Oct. 27, 2008. The landscape is dominated by wetland and saline land. Observation items were multilayer (2m, 4m and 10m) of the wind speed and direction, air temperature and humidity, air pressure, precipitation, four components of radiation, the surface temperature, the soil temperature (5cm, 10cm, 20cm and 40cm), and the multilayer soil temperature (2cm, 5cm and 10cm). The dataset was released at different levels: Level1 were transformed raw data and stored in .csv month by month; Level2 were processed data after correction and quality control. As for detailed information, please refer to Meteorological and Hydrological Flux Data Guide.
HU Zeyong, MA Mingguo, Wang Weizhen, TAN Junlei, HUANG Guanghui, Zhang Zhihui
The dataset of automatic meteorological observations was obtained at the Binggou cold region hydrometerological station (N38°04′/E100°13′), south of Qilian county, Qinghai province, from Sep. 25, 2007 to Dec. 31, 2009. The experimental area with paramo and riverbed gravel, situated in the upper stream valley of Heihe river, is ideal for the flat and open terrain and hills and mountains stretching outwards. The items were multilayer (2m and 10m) of the air temperature and air humidity, the wind speed, the air pressure, precipitation, four components of radiation, the multilayer soil temperature (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm and 120cm), soil moisture (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm and 120cm), and soil heat flux (5cm and 15cm). The raw data were level0 and the data after basic processes were level1, in which ambiguous ones were marked; the data after strict quality control were defined as Level2. The data files were named as follows: station+datalevel+AMS+datadate. Level2 or above were strongly recommended to domestic users. The period from Sep. 25, 2007 to Mar. 12, 2008 was the pre-observing duration, during which hourly precipitation data (fragmented) and the soil temperature and soil moisture data were to be obtained. Stylized observations began from Mar. 12, 2008. As for detailed information, please refer to Meteorological and Hydrological Flux Data Guide.
WANG Jian, CHE Tao, MA Mingguo, Wang Weizhen, LI Hongyi, HAO Xiaohua, HUANG Guanghui, Zhang Zhihui, TAN Junlei
The dataset of automatic meteorological observations was obtained at the Dadongshu mountain snow observation station (E100°14′/N38°01′, 4101m) from Oct. 29, 2007 to Oct. 1, 2009. The experimental area with a flat and open terrain was slightly sloping from southeast to northwest. With alpine meadow and stones, and snow in autumn, winter and spring, the landscape was ideal. Observation items were multilayer (2m and 10m) of the wind speed, the air temperature and air humidity, the air pressure, rain and snow gauges, snow depth, four components of radiation, the multilayer soil temperature (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm, and 120cm), soil moisture (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm, and 120cm), and soil heat flux (5cm & 15cm). The raw data were level0 and the data after basic processes were level1, in which ambiguous ones were marked; the data after strict quality control were defined as Level2. The data files were named as follows: station+datalevel+AMS+datadate. Level2 or above were strongly recommended to domestic users. As for detailed information, please refer to Meteorological and Hydrological Flux Data Guide.
WANG Jian, CHE Tao, LI Hongyi, HAO Xiaohua
The dataset of automatic meteorological observations was obtained at the Yingke oasis station from Nov. 5, 2007 to Oct. 31, 2009. The observation site is located in an irrigation farmland in Yingke (E100°24′37.2″/N38°51′25.7″, 1519.1m), Zhangye city, Gansu province. The experimental area, situated in the middle stream Heihe river basin and with windbreaks space of 500m from east to west and 300m from south to north, is an ideal choice for its flat and open terrain. Observation items were multilayer (2m and 10m) of the wind speed and direction, air temperature and humidity, air pressure, precipitation, four components of radiation; the surface infrared temperature; the multilayer soil temperature (10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm, 120cm and 160cm), the soil moisture (10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm, 120cm and 160cm), and soil heat flux (5cm & 15cm). The raw data were level0 and the data after basic processes were level1, in which ambiguous ones were marked; the data after strict quality control were defined as Level2. The data files were named as follows: station+datalevel+AMS+datadate. Level2 or above were strongly recommended to domestic users. As for detailed information, please refer to Meteorological and Hydrological Flux Data Guide.
MA Mingguo, Wang Weizhen, TAN Junlei, HUANG Guanghui, Zhang Zhihui
The dataset of automatic meteorological observations was obtained at the Dayekou Maliantan grassland station (E100°18′/N38°33′, 2817m) from Nov. 2, 2007 to Dec. 31, 2009. The experimental area with a flat and open terrain was slightly sloping from southeast to northwest. The landscape was mainly grassland, with vegetation 0.2-0.5m high. Observation items were multilayer gradient (2m and 10m) of the wind speed, the air temperature and air humidity, the air pressure, precipitation, four components of radiation, the multilayer soil temperature (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm, and 120cm), soil moisture (5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 40cm, 80cm, and 120cm), and soil heat flux (5cm & 15cm). The raw data were level0 and the data after basic processes were level1, in which ambiguous ones were marked; the data after strict quality control were defined as Level2. The data files were named as follows: station+datalevel+AMS+datadate. Level2 or above were strongly recommended to domestic users. As for detailed information, please refer to Meteorological and Hydrological Flux Data Guide.
MA Mingguo, Wang Weizhen, TAN Junlei, HUANG Guanghui, Zhang Zhihui
Interaction "heihe region in field observation experiment (HEIFE)", is in the heihe river basin in hexi corridor in the middle of a 70 km by 90 km range of experimental zone for the center with water and heat exchange of a very comprehensive experiment, the interaction is the current international field the longest continuous observation on the land surface process experiment, has obtained the Eurasia hinterland typical in heihe river basin, gobi desert and oasis in arid regions different underlaying surface, such as solar radiation, atmospheric boundary layer meteorological data and oasis of meteorological data, and collect the conventional meteorological and hydrological data in the region,It has laid the foundation of observation experiment for theoretical study of land surface processes in arid areas. The heihe experimental database (HDB) (tao zehong and zuo hongchao, 1994a) comprehensively collected and systematically integrated the field observation data of heihe experiment.In the database, all observation data are divided into three categories according to the nature and purpose of observation: Category 1: normal observation period (FOP) data.It includes :(1) observation data of 5 micrometeorological stations and 5 automatic meteorological stations;(2) groundwater level data observed at four well stations;(3) distribution of blowing sand and dust and ozone observation data;(4) conventional observation data of 3 upper-air weather stations, 3 surface weather stations, 4 hydrology stations, some rain measuring stations and downhole water stations. The second category: enhanced observation period (IOP) data.It includes: observations of turbulence, tethered balloons, Sodar, Lidar, soil moisture content and composition during each strengthening period (PlOP, IOP-1, lop-2, IOP-3, IOP-4). The third category is special observation period data, which includes: biological meteorological observation (BOP), precipitation mechanism observation (iop-r) in arid areas, turbulence contrast observation (iop-c), supplementary observation data of deserts far from the oasis (iop-da) and observation data of sand sample experiment.Please refer to HEIFE database user manual for more detailed information (tao zehong et al., 1994b).
LI Xin, RAN Youhua
The Shiyang River Basin Information System thematic data set is one of the results of the technical assistance project “Optimization of Desertification Control in Gansu Province” assisted by the Asian Development Bank, including 5 folders including document, investigation_point, maps, photo, and spatial. Each file The folder contains several files. The document folder includes the target design, data processing, thematic summary report, and projection information.The gpspoint folder includes files recorded in shapefile point format sampled by gps according to different purposes.The maps folder contains Chinese, english, and fonts files. Folder, the first two folders represent 14 Chinese and English maps stored in A4 format and pdf format, and fonts contain some special fonts: the photo folder contains field survey digital photos stored in bmp format: spatial The folder contains the dem folder of the digital elevation model, the gansu folder of the outline map of Gansu Province and the Hexi Corridor, the generate folder of the site data file shapefile, the grid folder of the raster data of various geographic features, and the remote sensing image. image folder, meteoHydro folder for original site text data, and vector folder for vector data for various geographic features. The data includes: 1. DEM folder: 100m dem, hillshade, divided into GRID and geotif formats 2. Gansu folder: Gansu border, Hexi border 3. Grid folder: NDVI (vegetation index), lndchange (land transfer matrix), landscape86 (land landscape map in 86 years), landscape2k (land landscape map in 2000), Desertiftype (desert type landscape map), Desersevrt (desert type map ), Annprecip 4. Meteohydro folder: Minqin, Wuwei, Yongchang meteorological data (1) daily daily observation items: Airpress (humidity), Precipitation (radiation), Sunlight (sunlight), Temperature (temperature) ), Wind (wind speed) (2) Months (monthly): Airpress (air pressure), Humidity (humidity), Rain (precipitation), Sunlight (sunlight), Temperature (temperature), Wind (wind speed) (3) tendays: Airpress, Humidity, Rain, Sunlight, Temperature, Wind (4) years (year by year): Precipitation, Temperature 5. Vectro folder: (1) Admwhole (county boundary map), (2) Lake (lake), (3) Hydrasta (hydrological site), (4) Basin (watershed boundary), (5) Landscape2000 (land use 200 (Year), (6) landscape86 (land use 1986), (7) Meteosta (meteorological station), (8) Lakep (reservoir point), (9) Place (residential point), (10) Rainfallcontour (railway), ( 11) Rainfallcontour (rainfall contour map), (12) Road (highway), (13) Stream (water system map), (14) Town (county name), (15) Township (county township boundary), (16) Vegetation (vegetation map) Data projection information: PROJCS ["Albers", GEOGCS ["GCS_Krasovsky_1940", DATUM ["Not_specified_based_on_Krassowsky_1940_ellipsoid", SPHEROID ["Krasovsky_1940", 6378245.0,298.3]], PRIMEM ["Greenwich", 0.0], UNIT ["Degree", 0.0174532925199433]], PROJECTION ["Albers_Conic_Equal_Area"], PARAMETER ["False_Easting", 0.0], PARAMETER ["False_Northing", 0.0], PARAMETER ["longitude_of_center", 105.0], PARAMETER ["Standard_Parallel_1", 25.0], PARAMETER ["Standard_Parallel_2", 47.0], PARAMETER ["latitude_of_center", 0.0], UNIT ["Meter", 1.0]] For detailed data description, please refer to the data file
LI Xin
Chinese Cryospheric Information System is a comprehensive information system for the management and analysis of Chinese cryospheric data. The establishment of Chinese Cryospheric Information System is to meet the needs of earth system science, and provide parameters and verification data for the development of response and feedback models of permafrost, glacier and snow cover to global changes under GIS framework. On the other hand, the system collates and rescues valuable cryospheric data to provide a scientific, efficient and safe management and analysis tool. Chinese Cryospheric Information System contains three basic databases of different research regions. The basic database of Urumqi river basin is one of three basic databases, which covers the Urumqi river basin in tianshan mountain, east longitude 86-89 °, and north latitude 42-45 °, mainly containing the following data: 1. Cryospheric data.Include: Distribution of glacier no. 1 and glacier no. 2; 2. Natural environment and resources.Include: Terrain digital elevation: elevation, slope, slope direction; Hydrology: current situation of water resource utilization;Surface water; Surface characteristics: vegetation type;Soil type;Land resource evaluation map;Land use status map; 3. Social and economic resources: a change map of human action; Please refer to the documents (in Chinese): "Chinese Cryospheric Information System design. Doc" and "Chinese Cryospheric Information System data dictionary. Doc".
LI Xin
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