The triple pole aerosol type data product is an aerosol type result obtained through a series of data pre-processing, quality control, statistical analysis and comparative analysis processes by comprehensively using MEERA 2 assimilation data and active satellite CALIPSO products. The key of the aerosol type fusion algorithm is to judge the aerosol type of CALIPSO. During the data fusion of aerosol type, the final aerosol type data (12 types in total) and quality control results in the three polar regions are obtained according to the types and quality control of CALIPSO aerosol types and referring to MERRA 2 aerosol types. The data product fully considers the vertical and spatial distribution of aerosols, and has a high spatial resolution (0.625 ° × 0.5 °) and time resolution (month).
ZHAO Chuanfeng
Land surface temperature (LST) is a key parameter in the study of surface energy balance. It is widely used in the fields of meteorology, climate, hydrology, agriculture and ecology. As an important means to obtain global and regional scale LST information, satellite (thermal infrared) remote sensing is vulnerable to the influence of cloud cover and other atmospheric conditions, resulting in temporal and spatial discontinuity of LST remote sensing products, which greatly limits the application of LST remote sensing products in related research fields. The preparation of this data set is based on the empirical orthogonal function interpolation method, using Terra / Aqua MODIS surface temperature products to reconstruct the lst under ideal clear sky conditions, and then using the cumulative distribution function matching method to fuse era5 land reanalysis data to obtain the lst under all-weather conditions. This method makes full use of the spatio-temporal information of the original MODIS remote sensing products and the cloud impact information in the reanalysis data, alleviates the impact of cloud cover on LST estimation, and finally reconstructs the high-quality global 0.05 ° spatio-temporal continuous ideal clear sky and all-weather LST data set. This data set not only realizes the seamless coverage of space-time, but also has good verification accuracy. The reconstructed ideal clear sky LST data in the experimental areas of 17 land cover types in the world, the average correlation coefficient (R) is 0.971, the bias (bias) is -0.001 K to 0.049 K, and the root mean square error (RMSE) is 1.436 K to 2.688 K. The verification results of the reconstructed all-weather LST data and the measured data of ground stations: the average R is 0.895, the bias is 0.025 K to 2.599 K, and the RMSE is 4.503 K to 7.299 K. The time resolution of this data set is 4 times a day, the spatial resolution is 0.05 °, the time span is 2002-2020, and the spatial range covers the world.
ZHAO Tianjie, YU Pei
"Coupling and Evolution of Hydrological-Ecological-Economic Processes in Heihe River Basin Governance under the Framework of Water Rights" (91125018) Project Data Convergence-MODIS Products-Land Use Data in Northwest China (2000-2010) 1. Data summary: Land Use Data in Northwest China (2000-2010) 2. Data content: Land use data of Shiyanghe River Basin, Heihe River Basin and Shulehe River Basin in Northwest China from 2000 to 2010 obtained by MODIS
WANG Zhongjing
This data is 2002.07.04-2010.12.31 MODIS daily cloudless snow products in the Tibetan Plateau. Due to the snow and cloud reflection characteristics, the use of optical remote sensing to monitor snow is severely disturbed by the weather. This product is based on the most commonly used cloud removal algorithm, using the MODIS daily snow product and passive microwave data AMSR-E snow water equivalent product, and the daily cloudless snow product in the Tibetan Plateau is developed. The accuracy is relatively high. This product has important value for real-time monitoring of snow cover dynamic changes on the Tibetan Plateau. Projection method: Albers Conical Equal Area Datum: D_Krasovsky_1940 Spatial resolution: 500 m Data format: tif Naming rules: maYYMMDD.tif, where ma represents the data name; YY represents the year (01 represents 2001, 02 represents 2002 ...); MM represents the month (01 represents January, 02 represents February ...); DD represents the day (01 Means 1st, 02 means 2nd ...).
HUANG Xiaodong
This dataset includes passive microwave remote sensing brightness temperatures data for longitude and latitude projections and 0.25 degree resolution from 2002 to 2008 in China. 1. Data processing process: NSIDC produces AMSR-E gridded brightness temperature data by interpolating AMSR-E data (6.9 GHz, 10.7 GHz, 18.7 GHz, 23.8 GHz, 36.5 GHz, and 89.0 GHz) to the output grids from swath space using an Inverse Distance Squared (ID2) method. 2. Data format: Brightness temperature files: two-byte unsigned integers, little-endian byte order Time files: two-byte signed integers, little-endian byte order 3. Data naming: ID2rx-AMSRE-aayyyydddp.vnn.ccc (China-ID2r1-AMSRE-D.252002170A.v03.06V) ID2 Inverse Distance Squared r1 Resolution 1 swath input data AMSRE Identifies this an AMSR-E file D.25 Identifies this as a quarter degree file yyyy Four-digit year ddd Three-digit day of year p Pass direction (A = ascending, D = descending) vnn Gridded data version number (for example, v01, v02, v03) ccc AMSR-E channel indicator: numeric frequency (06, 10, 18, 23, 36, or 89) followed by polarization (H or V) 4. Cutting range: Corner Coordinates: Upper Left (60.0000000, 55.0000000) (60d 0'0.00 "E, 55d 0'0.00" N) Lower Left (60.0000000, 15.0000000) (60d 0'0.00 "E, 15d 0'0.00" N) Upper Right (140.0000000, 55.0000000) (140d 0'0.00 "E, 55d 0'0.00" N) Lower Right (140.0000000, 15.0000000) (140d 0'0.00 "E, 15d 0'0.00" N) Center (100.0000000, 35.0000000) (100d 0'0.00 "E, 35d 0'0.00" N) Origin = (60.000000000000000, 55.000000000000000) 5. Data projection: GEOGCS ["WGS 84", DATUM ["WGS_1984", SPHEROID ["WGS 84", 6378137,298.257223563, AUTHORITY ["EPSG", "7030"]], TOWGS84 [0,0,0,0,0,0,0], AUTHORITY ["EPSG", "6326"]], PRIMEM ["Greenwich", 0, AUTHORITY ["EPSG", "8901"]], UNIT ["degree", 0.0174532925199433, AUTHORITY ["EPSG", "9108"]], AUTHORITY ["EPSG", "4326"]]
Mary Jo Brodzik, Matthew Savoie, Richard Armstrong, Ken Knowles
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