This data is the land cover data at 30m resolution of Southeast Asia in 2015. The data format of the data is NetCDF, and the variable name is "land cover type". The data was obtained by mosaicing and extracting the From-GLC data. Several land cover types, such as snow and ice that do not exist in Southeast Asia were eliminated.The legend were reintegrated to match the new data. The data provide information of 8 land cover types: cropland, forest, grassland, shrub, wetland, water, city and bare land. The overall accuracy of the data is 71% (Gong et al., 2019). The data can provide the land cover information of Southeast Asia for hydrological models and regional climate models.
LIU Junguo
Nighttime light remote sensing has been an increasingly important proxy for human activities including socioeconomics and energy consumption. Defense Meteorological Satellite Program-Operational Linescan System from 1992 to 2013 and Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership-Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite since 2012 are the most widely used datasets. Despite urgent needs for long-term products and pilot explorations in synthesizing them, the publicly available long-term products are limited. We propose a Night-Time Light convolutional Long Short-Term Memory (NTLSTM) network, and apply the network to produce annual Prolonged Artificial Nighttime-light DAtaset (PANDA) in China from 1984 to 2020. Model assessments between modelled and original images show that on average the Root Mean Squared-Error (RMSE) reaches 0.73, the coefficient of determination (R2) reaches 0.95, and the linear slope is 0.99 at pixel level, indicating a high confidential level of the data quality of the generated product. In urban areas, the modelled results can well capture temporal trends in newly built-up areas but slightly underestimate the intensity within old urban cores. Socioeconomic indicators (built-up areas, Gross Domestic Product, population) correlates better with the PANDA than with previous products in the literature, indicating its better potential in finding different controls of nighttime-light variances in different phases. Besides, the PANDA delineates different urban expansion types, outperforms other products in representing road networks, and provides potential nighttime-light sceneries in early years. PANDA provides the opportunity to better bridge the cooperation between human activity observations and socioeconomic or environmental fields
ZHANG Lixian, REN Zhehao, CHEN Bin, GONG Peng, FU Haohuan, XU Bing
The data include the night light data of Tibetan Plateau with a spatial resolution of 1km*1km, a temporal resolution of 5 years and a time coverage of 2000, 2005 and 2010.The data came from Version 4 dmsp-ols products. DMSP/OLS sensors took a unique approach to collect radiation signals generated by night lights and firelight.DMSP/OLS sensors, working at night, can detect low-intensity lights emitted by urban lights, even small-scale residential areas and traffic flows, and distinguish them from dark rural backgrounds.Therefore, DMSP/OLS nighttime light images can be used as a representation of human activities and become a good data source for human activity monitoring and research.
FANG Huajun
China's land cover data set includes 5 products: 1) glc2000_lucc_1km_China.asc, a Chinese subset of global land cover data based on SPOT4 remote sensing data developed by the GLC2000 project. The data name is GLC2000.GLC2000 China's regional land cover data is directly cropped from global cover data. For data description, please refer to http : // 2) igbp_lucc_1km_China.asc, a Chinese subset of global land cover data based on AVHRR remote sensing data supported by IGBP-DIS, the data name is IGBPDIS; IGBPDIS data was prepared using the USGS method, using April 1992 to March 1992 The AVHRR data developed global land cover data with a resolution of 1km. The classification system adopts a classification system developed by IGBP, which divides the world into 17 categories. Its development is based on continents. Applying AVHRR for 12 months to maximize synthetic NDVI data, 3) modis_lucc_1km_China_2001.asc, a subset of MODIS land cover data products in China, the data name is MODIS; MODIS China's regional land cover data is directly cropped from global cover data, and its data description please refer to modis / mod12q1v4.asp. 4. umd_lucc_1km_China.asc, a Chinese subset of global land cover data based on AVHRR data produced by the University of Maryland, the data name is UMd; the five bands of UMd based on AVHRR data and NDVI data are recombined to suggest a data matrix, using Methodology carried out global land cover classification. The goal is to create data that is more accurate than past data. The classification system largely adopts the classification scheme of IGBP. 5) westdc_lucc_1km_China.asc, China ’s 2000: 100,000 land cover data organized and implemented by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, combined with Yazashi conversion (the largest area method), and finally obtained a land use data product of 1km across the country, data name WESTDC. WESTDC China's regional land cover data is based on the results of a 1: 100,000 county-level land resource survey conducted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The land use data were merged and converted into a vector (the largest area method). The Chinese Academy of Sciences resource and environment classification system is adopted. 2: Data format: ArcView GIS ASCII 3: Mesh parameters: ncols 4857 nrows 4045 xllcorner -2650000 yllcorner 1876946 cellsize 1000 NODATA_value -9999 4: Projection parameters: Projection ALBERS Units METERS Spheroid Krasovsky Parameters: 25 00 0.000 / * 1st standard parallel 47 00 0.000 / * 2nd standard parallel 105 00 0.000 / * central meridian 0 0 0.000 / * latitude of projection's origin 0.00000 / * false easting (meters) 0.00000 / * false northing (meters)
RAN Youhua
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