The data set is the basic data of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau in 2015. The original data comes from the National Basic Geographic Information Center, and the data of the Qinghai Tibet plateau region is formed by splicing and clipping the segmented data. The data content includes 1:1 million provincial administrative divisions, 1:1 million roads and 1:250000 water system. The data attributes of administrative divisions include name, code and Pinyin; Road data attributes include: GB, RN, name, rteg and type (basic geographic information classification code, road code, road name, road grade and road type); Water system data attributes include: GB, hydc, name, period (basic geographic information classification code, water system name code, name, season).
YANG Yaping
The Three-River-Source National Park with an area of 123,100 km2 and include three sub regions, they are source region of the Yangtze River in the national park, source region of Yellow River in the national park and source region of Lancang River in the national park. The national park is located between longitude 89°50'57" -- 99°14'57", latitude 32°22'36" -- 36°47'53". It accounts for 31.16% of the total area of Three-River-Source region. This data set is generated by digitizing the location map of Three-River-Source national park in the comprehensive planning of Three-River-Source national park. The data include the boundary for the national park. Data format is Shapefile. Arcmap is recommended to open the data.
WANG Xufeng
The Three-River-Source National Park with an area of 123,100 km2 and include three sub regions, they are source region of the Yangtze River in the national park, source region of Yellow River in the national park and source region of Lancang River in the national park. The national park is located between longitude 89°50'57" -- 99°14'57", latitude 32°22'36" -- 36°47'53". It accounts for 31.16% of the total area of Three-River-Source region. This data set is generated by digitizing the location map of Three-River-Source national park in the comprehensive planning of Three-River-Source national park. The data include the boundary for the national park. Data format is Shapefile. Arcmap is recommended to open the data.
WANG Xufeng
This data is originated from the 1:100,000 national basic geographic database, which was open freely for public by the National Basic Geographic Information Center in November 2017. The boundary of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was spliced and clipped as a whole, so as to facilitate the study on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. This data set is the 1:100,000 administrative boundaries of the qinghai-tibet plateau, including National_Tibet_line、 Province_Tibet、City_Tibet、County_Tibet_poly and County_Tibet_line. Administrative boundary layer (County_Tibet_poly) property name and definition: Item Properties Describe Example PAC Administrative division code 513230 NAME The name of the County line name Administrative boundary layer (BOUL) attribute name and definition: Item Properties Describe Example GB classification code 630200 Administrative boundary layer (County_Tibet_line) attribute item meaning: Item Properties Describe Example GB 630200 Provincial boundary GB 640200 Prefectural, municipal and state administrative boundaries GB 650201 county administrative boundaries (determined)
National Basic Geographic Information Center
This dataset contains five types of boundaries. 1. TPBoundary_ 2500m: Based on ETOPO5 Global Surface Relief, ENVI+IDL was used to extract data at an elevation of 2500m within the longitude (65~105E) and latitude (20~45N) range in the Tibetan Plateau. 2. TPBoundary_ 3000m: Based on ETOPO5 Global Surface Relief, ENVI+IDL was used to extract data at an elevation of 3000m within the longitude (65~105E) and latitude (20~45N) range in the Tibetan Plateau. 3. TPBoundary_ HF (high_frequency): This boundary is defined according to 2 previous studies. Bingyuan Li (1987) had a systematic discussion on the principles for determining the extent of the Tibetan Plateau and the specific boundaries. From the perspective of the formation and basic characteristics of the Tibetan Plateau, he proposed the basic principles for determining the extent of the Tibetan Plateau based on the geomorphological features, the plateau surface and its altitude, while considering the integrity of the mountain. Yili Zhang (2002) determined the extent and boundaries of the Tibetan Plateau based on the new results of research in related fields and years of field practice. He combined information technology methods to precisely locate and quantitatively analyze the extent and boundary location of the Tibetan Plateau, and concluded that the Tibetan Plateau in China extends from the Pamir Plateau in the west to the Hengduan Mountains in the east, from the southern edge of the Himalayas in the south to the northern side of the Kunlun-Qilian Mountains in the north. On April 14, 2017, the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China issued the Announcement on Adding Geographical Names for Public Use in the Southern Tibetan Region (First Batch), adding six geographical names in the southern Tibetan region, including Wo’gyainling, Mila Ri, Qoidêngarbo Ri, Mainquka, Bümo La, and Namkapub Ri. 4. TPBoundary_ New (2021): Along with the in-depth research on the Tibetan Plateau, the improvement of multidisciplinary research and understanding inside and outside the plateau, and the progress of geographic big data and Earth observation science and technology, the development of the 2021 version of the Tibetan Plateau boundary data by Yili Zhang and et al. was completed based on the comprehensive analysis of ASTER GDEM and Google Earth remote sensing images. The range boundary starts from the northern foot of the West Kunlun Mountain-Qilian Mountain Range in the north and reaches the southern foot of the Himalayas and other mountain ranges in the south, with a maximum width of 1,560 km from north to south; from the western edge of the Hindu Kush Mountains and the Pamir Plateau in the west to the eastern edge of the Hengduan Mountains and other mountain ranges in the east, with a maximum length of about 3,360 km from east to west; the latitude and longitude range is 25°59′30″N~40°1′0″N, 67°40′37″E~104°40′57″E, with a total area of 3,083,400km2 and an average altitude of about 4,320m. Administratively, the Tibetan Plateau is distributed in nine countries, including China, India, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, and Kyrgyzstan. 5. TPBoundary_ Rectangle: The rectangle was drawn according to the range of Lon (63~105E) and Lat (20~45N). The data are in latitude and longitude projection WGS84. As the basic data, the boundary of the Tibetan Plateau can be used as a reference basis for various geological data and scientific research on the Tibetan Plateau.
The data set was produced based on the SRTM DEM data collected by Space Shuttle Radar terrain mission in 2016, the reference data such as river, lake and other water system auxiliary data , using the arcgis hydrological model to analyze and extract the river network. There are 12 sub-basins over the Tibet Plateau, including AmuDayra、Brahmaputra、Ganges、Hexi、Indus、Inner、Mekong、Qaidam、Salween、Tarim、Yangtze、Yellow. The outer boundary is based on the 2500-metre contour line and national boundaries.
ZHANG Guoqing
Antarctic administrative boundary datasets consist of the properties of the state boundaries of the Antarctic states (properties properties), and the corresponding names and types of those properties :(CITY_POP), (ENG_NAME), (CNTRY_NAME), (TYPE), (CNTRY_CODE), (YEAR). The data comes from the 1:100,000 ADC_WorldMap global data set,The data through topology, warehousing and other data quality inspection,Data through the topology, into the library,It's comprehensive, up-to-date and seamless geodigital data. The world map coordinate system is latitude and longitude, WGS84 datum surface,Antarctic specific projection parameters(South_Pole_Stereographic).
ADC WorldMap
Arctic administrative boundary data sets include Arctic_National, Arctic_Provincial, and Arctic_Prefecture vector spatial data sets of arcti-bound countries and Its corresponding name, TYPE related attribute data :(LOCAL_NAME), (ENG_NAME), (CNTRY_NAME), (TYPE), (CNTRY_CODE), (CONTINENT) The data comes from the 1:1,000,000 ADC_WorldMap global data set, which is a comprehensive, up-to-date and seamless geographic digital data. The world map coordinate system is latitude and longitude, WGS84 datum surface, and the arctic data set is the special projection parameter for the arctic (North_Pole_Stereographic).
ADC WorldMap
The two regions of North Pole are defined by the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) working group and Arctic Human Development Report (AHDR). The AMAP Arctic’s geographical coverage extends from the High Arctic to the sub Arctic areas of Canada, the Kingdom of Denmark (Greenland and the Faroe Islands), Finland, Iceland, Norway, the Russian Federation, Sweden and the United States, including associated marine areas. The AHDR Arctic encompasses all of Alaska, Canada North of 60°N together with northern Quebec and Labrador, all of Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and Iceland, and the northernmost counties of Norway, Sweden and Finland. The situation in Russia is harder to describe in simple terms. The area included, as demarcated by demographers, encompasses the Murmansk Oblast, the Nenets, YamaloNenets, Taimyr, and Chukotka autonomus okrugs, Vorkuta City in the Komi Republic, Norilsk and Igsrka in Krasnoyarsky Kray, and those parts of the Sakha Republic whose boundaries lie closest to the Arctic Circle.
Arctic Monitoring And Assessment Programme
Basic Geographic Data Set of Resources and Environment in Central and Western Asia Region, includes six parts: administrative divisions map, topographic and geomorphological map, river system maps, precipitation map, temperature map and potential evapotranspiration map. The precipitation and temperature datasets are interpolated based on the ground observations, while the potential evapotranspiration dataset is calculated based on the Penman-Monteith equation. The precipitation, temperature and potential evapotranspiration datasets are resampled from the original 0.5° CRU dataset by using the linear interpolation method in ArcGIS software. This dataset is made based a large number of gauge observations with good quality control and homogeneity check. The results of the related studies (Deng and Chen, 2017; Li et al., 2017; Li et al., 2016) suggested that this dataset is applicable and satisfactory for the climatological studies. The data produced by the key laboratory of remote sensing and GIS, Xinjiang institute of ecology and geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Data production Supported by the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grant No. XDA20030101.
This data set is the spatial distribution of soil POPs in the Tibetan Plateau, including OCPs, PCBs, PBDEs and PAHs. Fourty soil samples were taken from remote sites (i.e., away from towns, roads, or other human activity) in 8 soil zones of the Tibetan Plateau in 2007. The samples were collected using a stainless steel hand-held corer.Five cores (0-5 cm), taken over an area of ~100 m2, were bulked together to form one sample. The samples were wrapped in aluminum foil twice and sealed in two plastic bags to minimize the possibility for contamination. All the samples were analyzed at Key Laboratory of Tibetan Environment Changes and Land Surface Processes, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The samples were Soxhlet-extracted, purified on an aluminium/silica column (i.d. 8 mm), a gel permeation chromatography (GPC) column subsequently, and were detected on a gas chromatograph with an ion-trap mass spectrometer (GC-MS, Finnigan Trace GC/PolarisQ) operating under MS–MS mode. A CP-Sil 8CB capillary column (50 m ×0.25 mm, film thickness 0.25 μm) was used for OCPs, PCBs and PBDEs, and a DB-5MS column (60 m ×0.25mm, film thickness 0.25 μm) was used for PAHs. Procedural blanks were prepared. The recoveries ranged from 53% to 130% for OCPs, and 58% to 92% for PAHs. The reported concentrations were not corrected for recoveries.
WANG Xiaoping
The data set is the distribution of the average roughness in Central Asia including three temperate deserts, the Karakum, Kyzylkum and Muyunkun Deserts, and one of the world's largest arid zones. This is the MODIS-NDVI data set calculated by using the median particle diameter and the vegetation coverage. The space and time resolutions are 500 m and 16 days, respectively. The time is from 01, January, 2017 to 18, December, 2017. The data set uses the the Geodetic coordinate system. It can be used for the investigation of the Desert oil and gas field, and oasis cities.
The distribution data of Central Asia desert oil and gas fields are in the form of vector data in ". SHP". Including the distribution of oil and gas fields and major urban settlements in the five Central Asian countries. The data is extracted and cut from modis-mcd12q product. The spatial resolution of the product is 500 m, and the time resolution is 1 year. IGBP global vegetation classification scheme is adopted as the classification standard. The scheme is divided into 17 land cover types, among which the urban data uses the construction and urban land in the scheme. The data can provide data support for the assessment and prevention of sandstorm disasters in Central Asia desert oil and gas fields and green town.
The data set contains the boundaries of the three source regions of the Yellow River, the Yangtze River and the Lancang River, the boundary of the whole Sanjiangyuan region and the boundaries of the counties within the basin. The observation projects include the boundaries of the three source regions of the Yellow River, the Yangtze River and the Lancang River, the boundary of the whole Sanjiangyuan region and the boundaries of the counties within the basin.
WEI Yanqiang, Establishing Developing and Applying of the Space-Air-Field Integrated Eco-Monitoring and Data Infrastructure of the Three-River-Source National Park
Based on the Global 1,000,000 Basic Geographic Data (2010) of the Resource and Environment Science Data Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the administrative divisions of Arctic countries (USA, Canada, Russia, Norway (including Greenland and the Faroe Islands), Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland) at the national and provincial levels are extracted via ArcGIS. The data are stored separately by nation. The data format is the .shp format of ArcGIS, and the projection mode is GCS_WGS_1984. The national data are from The provincial data are from
YANG Linsheng, WANG Li
"Hydrologic - ecological - economic process coupling and evolution of heihe Basin governance under the framework of water rights" (91125018) project data exchange 4-basin-plan-mdb 1. Data overview: a watershed plan revision for the Murray darling river in Australia, adopted in 2012, for catchment comparisons 2. Data content: the public plan
WANG Zhongjing
I. Overview The Yellow River is the second longest river in our country. The problem of the Yellow River's sediment has attracted the attention of people all over the world. The watershed is an important natural unit. Using the SRTM-DEM and ASTER-GEDEM data sets as the data source, under the ArcGIS software platform, the method of combining river burning method and river scalar method is used to extract the upper reaches of the Yellow River basin. The boundary of the basin from the source area of the Yellow River to the upper reaches of the Yellow River in Hekou Town. Ⅱ. Data processing description Using SRTM-DEM and ASTER-GDEM issued by the United States as data sources, under the ArcGIS software platform, the method of combining river burning method and river scalar method was used to extract the upper reaches of the Yellow River basin. Because the ratio of the rivers from the Three Lakes Estuary to Hekou Town is extremely small, there is a certain error in the boundary of the basin. Ⅲ. Data content description The map is stored in ArcGIS and .shp files. The river basin boundary spans five provinces (autonomous regions) of Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, and Inner Mongolia, with a total area of 55.06 × 104 km2. Ⅳ. Data usage description Watershed boundary is an important natural unit for hydrology, soil erosion, and non-point source pollution research. By extracting watershed boundaries, the migration range of soil erosion and non-point source pollution can be delineated.
XUE Xian, DU Heqiang
"Heihe River Basin Ecological hydrological comprehensive atlas" is supported by the key project of Heihe River Basin Ecological hydrological process integration research. It aims at data arrangement and service of Heihe River Basin Ecological hydrological process integration research. The atlas will provide researchers with a comprehensive and detailed background introduction and basic data set of Heihe River Basin. Heihe River Basin water system map is one of the hydrological and water resources part of the atlas, with a scale of 1:2500000, positive axis isometric conic projection and standard latitude of 25 47 n. Data sources: river data of Heihe River Basin, reservoir distribution data of Heihe River Basin, residential area data of Heihe River Basin in 2009, administrative boundary data of one million Heihe River Basin in 2008, Lake data of Heihe River Basin and other basic geographic data. The upper reaches of Heihe River Basin are located in Qilian County, Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, and the northern foot of Qilian Mountain in Zhangye, Jiuquan City, Sunan and Subei counties of Gansu Province. The middle reaches are located in Shandan, Minle, Ganzhou, Linze, Gaotai, Sunan, Suzhou, Jiayuguan and Yumen counties of Gansu Province. The lower reaches are located in Jinta, Gansu Province, Ejina Banner and Alxa Right Banner of Inner Mongolia, involving three provinces (autonomous regions), 16 cities and counties (District, banner), 56 towns, 45 townships and 4 Sumu. Table 1 shows the information about the administrative divisions of Heihe River Basin.
WANG Jianhua, ZHAO Jun, WANG Xiaomin, FENG Bin
"Heihe River Basin Ecological hydrological comprehensive atlas" is supported by the key project of Heihe River Basin Ecological hydrological process integration research. It aims at data arrangement and service of Heihe River Basin Ecological hydrological process integration research. The atlas will provide researchers with a comprehensive and detailed background introduction and basic data set of Heihe River Basin. The scale of Zhangye irrigation canal system map in Heihe River Basin is 1:2500000, the normal axis is equal to the conic projection, and the standard latitude is 2547 n. Data sources: Zhangye irrigation canal system data of Heihe River Basin, administrative boundary data of one million Heihe River Basin in 2008, and Heihe River Basin in 2009. The channels of Heihe River Basin are mainly distributed in Zhangye, which are divided into five levels: dry, branch, Dou, Nong and Mao.
WANG Jianhua, ZHAO Jun, WANG Xiaomin, FENG Bin
The dataset is the vector map of the administrative boundary of the Tarim River Basin, with a scale of 250,000 and projection: latitude and longitude. The data includes spatial data and attribute data, mainly the name and administrative code of the county boundary of the Tarim River Basin.
National Basic Geographic Information Center
The data is the boundary distribution map of the Tarim River Basin with a scale of 250,000. Projection: latitude and longitude. This data include spatial data and attribute data of the Tarim River Basin sub-watershed. The attribute data fields are: Area (area), Perimeter (perimeter), WRRNM (watershed name), WRRCD ( watershed coding)
WU Lizong
Shule River Basin is one of the three inland river basins in Hexi corridor. In recent years, with the obvious change of climate and the aggravation of human activities, the shortage of water resources and the problem of ecological environment in Shule River Basin have become increasingly prominent. It is of great significance to study the runoff change of Shule River Basin in the future climate situation for making rational water resources planning and ecological environment protection. The data set is the administrative boundary vector map of Shule River Basin, with a scale of 250000. The data includes spatial data and attribute data. The attribute fields are name (county boundary name) and code (administrative code). Collect and sort out the basic, meteorological, topographical and geomorphic data of Shule River Basin, and provide data support for the management of Shule River Basin.
National Basic Geographic Information Center
1、 The basin boundary of Heihe River Basin is based on the high-precision digital elevation model (DEM), which is obtained by using GIS hydrological analysis function analysis, and refers to remote sensing image, topographic map, ground investigation and previous research results. The surface catchment area of Heihe River basin covers an area of about 255000 km2, starting from the middle section of Qilian Mountains in the south, the Gobi Altai Mountains in Mongolia in the north, the Mazong mountains in the West and the Yabulai mountains in the East. Compared with the traditional Heihe River Basin, the new basin has increased Badain Jilin desert, Guizi lake, the northern part of Mazong mountain and the southern foot of Altai Mountain in Outer Mongolia Gobi. Explanation: the nanshihe River and beishihe River are the rivers formed by the leakage of the alluvial fan of Shule River. They form an independent hydrological unit (Huahai basin water systems) with Ganhaizi as the end lake, together with youYou River, Baiyang River and duanshankou river. The relationship between the hydrological unit and the Heihe River Basin is greater than that between the hydrological unit and the Shule River, which should be regarded as a part of the Heihe River Basin. Considering the current situation of modern water resources utilization, Beishi river has been directly connected with the main stream of Shule River through artificial transformation, and it is an important channel for water transmission from Shule River to Ganhaizi, and has become an important tributary of Shule River in fact. Under the influence of a series of water conservancy projects, the surface hydraulic connection between youyou River, Baiyang River and Shule River is far greater than that between youyou River and TaoLai river. 2、 Revised boundary of Yellow River Commission in Heihe River Basin On the basis of the Heihe River basin boundary revised by the Yellow River Water Conservancy Commission of the Ministry of water resources in 2005, the revised boundary of Heihe River Basin is obtained by using high-precision digital elevation model (DEM), reference remote sensing image, 1:100000 topographic map, ground investigation and other data. The basin boundary is about 76000 km2, among which the upper Qilian mountain middle section boundary is extracted strictly according to the ridge line by using DEM according to the GIS hydrological analysis function, and the lower north boundary is divided according to the boundary line according to the international convention. 3、 Study area boundary of Heihe River Basin According to the extended study area generated by the basin boundary of Heihe River Basin, it is mainly for the demand of model data input. The above three boundaries are to provide a unified study area boundary for the planned project of Heihe River Basin. It is suggested to use the revised boundary of Heihe River Basin yellow Committee as the core study area boundary.
WU Lizong
The dataset is a vector map of the administrative boundary of Qinghai Lake Basin, with a scale of 250,000 and projection: latitude and longitude. The data includes spatial data and attribute data, mainly including the name and administrative code of the county boundary of Qinghai Lake Basin.
National Basic Geographic Information Center
The dataset is a vector map of administrative boundaries of rivers in the north slope of Tianshan Mountains, with a scale of 250,000, projection: longitude and latitude, data includes spatial data and attribute data, and attribute fields: Name (name of county boundary) and Code (administrative code).
National Basic Geographic Information Center
The data set is the qaidam river basin administrative boundary vector map, scale 250000, projection: longitude and latitude, the data contains spatial data and attribute data, mainly the qaidam river basin county boundary name and administrative code.
WU Lizong
The data is a distribution map of the qaidam river basin, with a scale of 250000 and projected longitude and latitude, including the spatial data and attribute data of the qaidam river basin. The attribute data fields are Area, Perimeter, WRRNM and WRRCD.
National Basic Geographic Information Center
Heihe river basin is the second largest inland river basin in China. In the past 30 years, a relatively perfect drainage observation system has been established in heihe river basin, which has become an important inland river research base in China.River basin is an important natural research unit, but the boundary of heihe river basin is not unified. In order to facilitate the use of data by users, we collected and sorted out 5 kinds of heihe river basin boundaries commonly seen in the literature: 1) from 1985 to 1986, China began to conduct systematic research on the heihe river basin as a whole. On the basis of basic investigation and a large number of data mastered, the early heihe river basin map was drawn with an area of 138,900 km ^ 2.The whole basin is divided into three hydrologic balance zones, which are: the balance zone of heihe main stream system, the balance zone of beida river main stream system and the balance zone of ma ying - feng leshan front water system. 2) sub project national key scientific research project of the ninth five-year plan "in heihe river basin water resources reasonable use and the economic society and ecological environment coordinated development research", considering the integrity of the county-level administrative units, on the basis of the first basin boundary using the administrative boundary of basin boundary was revised, formed the "digital heihe" published information system ( of the heihe river basin boundary, watershed area of 128700 km ^ 2.The division of hydrological unit inherits the original idea and is divided into three river systems, namely the eastern river system, the central river system and the western river system. 3) in the comprehensive control plan of heihe river basin of the ministry of water resources, the area of heihe river basin is determined as 142,900 km ^ 2, and the hydrologic unit is divided into two independent water systems in the central and western regions and the east, with an area of 27,000 km2 and 116,000 km ^ 2 respectively. 4) in 2002-2006 in the national integrated water resources planning, "the Yellow River" (piece of) integrated water resources planning working group in 2005, the establishment "the northwest rivers and water resources and its exploitation and utilization of investigation evaluation report, briefly, to the secondary and tertiary area as the unit of water resources, to complete a series of natural geography and social economy statistical tables, maps and other data.In this comprehensive plan, the area of heihe river basin is about 151,700 km ^ 2, and the plan does not give a more detailed sub-watershed division plan. 5) based on the high-precision digital elevation model (SRTM and ASTER GDEM), the boundary of heihe river basin was determined by using the GIS hydrologic analysis method.The boundary has been verified by remote sensing and field investigation, and the present situation of modern water resources utilization is considered in the process of basin boundary determination and sub-basin division.
WU Lizong, WANG Jianhua, NIAN Yanyun
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