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Data set of soil freezing depth in the future scenario of Qinghai Tibet Plateau Based on Stefan equation (2007-2017,2046-2065)

Soil freezing depth (SFD) is necessary to evaluate the balance of water resources, surface energy exchange and biogeochemical cycle change in frozen soil area. It is an important indicator of climate change in the cryosphere and is very important to seasonal frozen soil and permafrost. This data is based on Stefan equation, using the daily temperature prediction data and E-factor data of canems2 (rcp45 and rcp85), gfdl-esm2m (rcp26, rcp45, rcp60 and rcp85), hadgem2-es (rcp26, rcp45 and rcp85), ipsl-cm5a-lr (rcp26, rcp45, rcp60 and rcp85), miroc5 (rcp26, rcp45, rcp60 and rcp85) and noresm1-m (rcp26, rcp45, rcp60 and rcp85), The data set of annual average soil freezing depth in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau with a spatial resolution of 0.25 degrees from 2007 to 2065 was obtained.


Frozen depth of frozen ground in Hulugou sub-basin of the Heihe River Basin (2013)

1. Data overview: This data set is the data set of frozen depth of permafrost observed artificially in qilian station from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013, and observed at 08 o 'clock every day. 2. Data content: The data content is the frozen depth data set of the tundra.The frozen depth (length) of the water in the inner rubber tube is used as a record to determine the freezing level and the upper and lower depth of the frozen layer according to the freezing position and length of the water in the frozen pot.In centimeters (cm), round off the whole number and round off the decimal.Observe once a day at 0:8. 3. Space and time range: Geographical coordinates: longitude: 99° 53’e;Latitude: 38°16 'N;Height: 2981.0 m


Frozen depth of frozen ground in Hulugou, a sub-basin of Heihe River Basin (2012)

1. Data overview: This data set is the data set of frozen depth of permafrost observed artificially in qilian station from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012, and observed at 08 o 'clock every day. 2. Data content: The data content is the frozen depth data set of the tundra.The frozen depth (length) of the water in the inner rubber tube is used as a record to determine the freezing level and the upper and lower depth of the frozen layer according to the freezing position and length of the water in the frozen pot.In centimeters (cm), round off the whole number and round off the decimal.Observe once a day at 0:8. 3. Space and time range: Geographical coordinates: longitude: 99° 53’e;Latitude: 38°16 'N;Height: 2981.0 m


Frozen depth of frozen ground in Hulugou sub-basin of the Heihe River Basin (2011)

1. Data overview: this data set is the data set of artificial observation of frozen soil depth at Qilian station from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011, at 08:00 every day. 2. Data content: data content is frozen depth data set of permafrost. Frozen soil observation uses the frozen depth (length) of water poured into the rubber inner tube as a record. According to the position and length of water frozen in the permafrost buried in the soil, the frozen layer and its upper and lower limit depths are measured. In centimeters (CM), rounded to the nearest whole number. Observe once every day at 0.8 o'clock. 3. Space time scope: geographic coordinates: longitude: 99 ° 53 ′ E; latitude: 38 ° 16 ′ n; altitude: 2981.0m
