Current Browsing: 2012-07-05

HiWATER: Dataset of the spectral reflectance in the middle of Heihe River Basin

This dataset contains the spectra of white cloth and black cloth obtained in the simultaneous time during the airborn remote sensing which supports the airboren data preprocessing as CASI, SASI and TASI , and the spetra of the typical targets in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin. Instruments: SVC-HR1024 from IRSA, ASD Field Spec 3 from CEODE, Reference board Measurement method: the spectra radiance of the targets are vertically measured by the SVC or ASD; before and after the target, the spectra radiance of the reference board is measured as the reference. This dataset contains the spectra recorded by the SVC-HR1024 ( in the format of .sig which can be opened by the SVC-HR1024 software or by the notepad ) and the ASD (in the format of .asd), the observation log (in the format of word or excel), and the photos of the measured targets. Observation time: 15-6-2012, the spectra of typical targets in the EC matrix using SVC 16-6-2012, the spectra of typical targets in the wetland by SVC 29-6-2012, the spectra of typical vegetation and soil in Daman site and Gobi site by ASD 29-6-2012, the spectra of white cloth and black cloth by ASD which is simultaneous with the airborne CASI data 30-6-2012, the spectra of vegetation and soil in the desert by ASD 5-7-2012, the spectra of white cloth and black cloth by ASD which is simultaneous with the airborne CASI data 7-7-2012, the spectra of corn in the Daman site for the research of daily speral variation. 8-7-2012, the spectra of white cloth and black cloth by ASD which is simultaneous with the airborne CASI data 8-7-2012, the spectra of corn in the Daman site by ASD for the research of daily speral variation 9-7-2012, the spectra of corn in the Daman site by ASD for the research of daily speral variation 10-7-2012, the spectra of corn in the Daman site by ASD for the research of daily speral variation 11-7-2012, the spectra of corn in the Daman site by ASD for the research of daily speral variation. The time used in this dataset is in UTC+8 Time.


HiWATER: Dataset of airborne microwave radiometers (L bands) mission in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin on 5 July, 2012

The dataset of airborne Polarimetric L-band Multibeam Radiometers (PLMR) was acquired on 5 July, 2012, located in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin. The aircraft took off at 10:50 am (UTC+8) from Zhangye airport and landed at 12:20 pm, with the flight time of 1.5 hours. The flight was performed in the altitude of about 2000 m and at the speed of about 220-250 km during the observation, corresponding to an expected ground resolution of about 600 m. The PLMR instrument flown on a small aircraft operates at 1.413 GHz (L-band), with both H- and V-polarizations at incidence angles of ±7.5°, ±21.5° and ±38.5°. PLMR ‘warm’ and ‘cold’ calibrations were performed before and after each flight. The processed PLMR data include 2 DAT files (v-pol and h-pol separately) and 1 KMZ file for each flying day. The DAT file contains all the TB values together with their corresponding beam ID, incidence angle, location, time stamp (in UTC) and other flight attitude information as per headings. The KMZ file shows the gridded 1-km TB values corrected to 38.5 degrees together with flight lines. Cautions should be taken when using these data, as the RFI contaminations are often higher than expected at v-polarization.
