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Basic geographic data of Qinghai Tibet Plateau (2015)

The data set is the basic data of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau in 2015. The original data comes from the National Basic Geographic Information Center, and the data of the Qinghai Tibet plateau region is formed by splicing and clipping the segmented data. The data content includes 1:1 million provincial administrative divisions, 1:1 million roads and 1:250000 water system. The data attributes of administrative divisions include name, code and Pinyin; Road data attributes include: GB, RN, name, rteg and type (basic geographic information classification code, road code, road name, road grade and road type); Water system data attributes include: GB, hydc, name, period (basic geographic information classification code, water system name code, name, season).


Primary road network dataset of the Heihe Rriver basin (2010)

Data overview: this set of data mainly includes the spatial distribution of major roads in the heihe river basin, the attributes include road classification and road coding, and the data base year is 2010. Data preparation process: this set of data is based on the topographic map, remote sensing image and the latest road traffic map updated by the transportation department of gansu province in 2009. Data description: there are two important attributes of the data, namely, road classification and road code. The road classification is divided into national road, provincial road, county road, township road and private road. The road code is defined in accordance with the highway grade code of the traffic department.


Primary road network dataset of QinghaiLake River Basin (2000)

The data is a dataset of road distribution in Qinghai Lake basin, scale1: 250,000, projection: latitude and longitude, mainly including the spatial distribution and attribute data of main roads in Qinghai Lake basin, attribute fields: code (road code), name (road classification).
