Current Browsing: Sample ponit

Soil type data set of typical soil sample points in Heihe River Basin (2013-2014)

The data set contains the location information and soil systematic type data of typical soil samples from the Heihe River Basin from July 2012 to August 2014. The typical soil sample collection method in the Heihe River Basin is representative sampling, which refers to the typical soil types that can be collected in the landscape area, and collects highly representative samples as much as possible. According to the Chinese soil systematic classification, the soil type of each section is divided based on the diagnostic layer and diagnostic characteristics. The sample points are divided into 8 soil orders: organic soil, anthropogenic soil, Aridisol, halomorphic soil, Gleysol, isohumicsoill , Cambisol, Entisol, and 39 sub-categories.


Sample ponit distribution in the upstream of the Heihe River Basin

This data is the longitude and latitude information of soil water sampling points in the "observation experiment of Soil Hydrological heterogeneity in the upper reaches of Heihe River and its impact on the hydrological process in mountainous areas" (91125010) of Heihe project, which is mainly used to express the spatial distribution of soil water sampling points in this project.
