Current Browsing: Graziery

Data of grassland community diversity and main plant functional trait under the influence of herdsmen's livestock raising activities (2012)

1) Initial data of community characteristics and main plant biological characteristics of the grass-animal equilibrium stage of the test grassland in 1983; 2) Livestock management data of 4-5 grazing grasslands; 3) Observation data of diversity, productivity and functional group of different grazing grassland communities; 4) Observation data on the height, coverage, biomass, and flower morphology, tillering, and leaf characteristics of main plants in different grazing gradient grasslands 5) Observation data of soil nutrients and litter in different grazing grasslands.


Data on formation and evolution of pastoral animal husbandry policies in pastoral areas, and herdsmen's perceptions and responses to pastoral animal husbandry policies in pastoral areas

1. The grassland animal husbandry production and management policies in the study area from 1954 to 2012 mainly include: 1) the time series of the formation and evolution of various policies; 2) the key policies related to herdsman's livestock activities and grassland management and utilization. 2. Residents' perception and response to pastoral socio-economic development policies, grassland management systems, ecological compensation policies, ecological restoration projects, and ecological environment status quo.


The herdsman family economic activities,characteristics and main differentiation characteristics of animal husbandry in the Heihe River Basin

This data includes animal products and labor prices; economic income structure, level and per capita net income; economic expenditure structure, productive and living expenditure structure; population composition, labor and household head age and education level; pasture area, grade, suitable stocking capacity; , livestock sheds, human and animal drinking water, pastoral roads, fence construction scale; maintenance scale, and livestock structure.
