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Daily cloudless MODIS snow albedo dataset of Babaohe River basin (2008-2014)

The proportion data set of daily cloudless MODIS snow cover area in babaohe river basin (2008.1.1-2014.6.1) was obtained after cloud removal processing using a cloud removal algorithm based on cubic spline function interpolation on the basis of daily cloudless MODIS snow cover product-mod10a1 (tang zhiguang, 2013). This data set adopts the projection method of UTM (horizontal axis isometric cutting cylinder), with a spatial resolution of 500m, and provides Daily Snow Albedo daily-sad results for the babao river basin.The data set is a daily file from January 1, 2008 to June 1, 2014.Each file is the snow albedo result of the day, with a value of 0-100 (%), is the ENVI standard file, and the naming rule is: mod10a1.ayyyyddd_h25v05_snow_sad_grid_2d_reproj_babaohe_nocloud.img, where YYYY represents the year, DDD stands for Julian day (001-365/366).The file can be opened directly with ENVI or ARCMAP software. The original MODIS snow cover data products processed by declouding are derived from MOD10A1 products processed by the us national snow and ice data center (NSIDC). This data set is in HDF format and USES sinusoidal projection. The attributes of the cloud-free MODIS albedo data set (2008.1.1-2014.1.1) in babaohe river basin are composed of the spatial and temporal resolution, projection information and data format of the dataset.
