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The ENVISAT ASAR image dataset of the Heihe river basin (2007-2009)

ASAR (Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar) is a Synthetic Aperture Radar sensor mounted on ENVISAT satellite. It operates in c-band with a wavelength of 5.6 cm and features multi-polarization, variable observation Angle and wide-range imaging. Heihe river basin of ENVISAT ASAR remote sensing data sets mainly through central Europe "dragon plan" project, the data to the Image mode, cross polarization (Alternating Polarisation) model with wide is given priority to, the spatial resolution of 30 meters. ENVISAT ASAR data 404 scenes are currently available in heihe river basin, including 82 scenes in APP mode, 7 scenes in IMP mode and 315 scenes in WSM mode. The acquisition time is: APP can choose the polarization mode, the time range is from 2007-08-15 to 2007-12-23, 2008-01-02 to 2008-12-20, 2009-02-15 to 2009-09-06; IMP imaging mode, time range from 2009-06-19 to 2009-07-12; WSM wide format, time range from 2005-12-05 to 2005-12-31,2006-01-06 to 2006-12-31, 2007-01-01 to 2007-12-30, 2008-01-01 to 2008-12-28, 2009-03-13 to 2009-05-22. Product level is L1B, without geometric correction, is amplitude data.
