Current Browsing: LAI

Field LAI dataset in the Heihe River Basin (2012)

The ground sample data was collected by LAI-2000 canopy analyzer, and the collection area was located in Dayekou, Wuxing Village (2012) and other areas. The main measure of vegetation is corn. The LAI value of the corn was obtained using the LAI2000, and the observation was repeated twice in a pattern of “one up and four down”. The leaf area of each leaf of the corn plant was obtained using CD202, and a total of three corns were collected.


WATER: Dataset of forest structure parameter survey at the temporary forest sampling plot in the Dayekou watershed foci experimental area (2008)

The forest hydrology experimental area of Heihe River integrated remote sensing experiment includes the dense observation area of Dayekou basin and the dense observation area of Pailugou basin. Due to the concentrated distribution of the fixed sample plots in the drainage ditch basin, these sample plots lack of representativeness to the forest of the whole dayokou basin, so in June 2008, 43 temporary forest sample plots were set up in the whole dayokou basin. The data set is the ground observation data of the 43 temporary plots. In addition to the measurement and recording of stand status and site factors, Lai was also observed. The instruments used to measure each wood in the sample plot are mainly tape, DBH, flower pole, tree measuring instrument and compass. The DBH, tree height, height under branch, crown width in cross slope direction, crown width along slope direction and single tree growth were measured for each tree. WGS84 latitude and longitude coordinates of the center point of the sample plot were measured with different hand-held GPS, and the positioning error was about 5-30m. Other observation factors include: Forest Farm, slope direction, slope position, slope, soil thickness, canopy density, etc. The implementation time of these temporary sample plots is from 2 to 30 June 2008. The data set can provide ground data for the development of remote sensing inversion algorithm of forest structure parameters.


WATER: Dataset of forest structure parameter survey at the super site around the Dayekou Guantan Forest Station

The data set mainly includes observation data of each tree in the super site, and the observation time is from June 2, 2008 to June 10, 2008. The super site is set around the Dayekou Guantan Forest Station. Since the size of the super site is 100m×100m, in order to facilitate the forest structure parameter survey, the super site is divided into 16 sub-sample sites, and tally forest measurement is performed in units of sub-samples. The tally forest measurement factors include: diameter, tree height, height under branch, crown width in transversal slope direction, crown width in up and down slope direction, and tindividual tree growth status. The measuring instruments are mainly: tape, diameter scale, laser altimeter, ultrasonic altimeter, range pole and compass. The data set also records the center point latitude and longitude coordinates of 16 sub-samples (measured by Z-MAX DGPS). The data set can be used for verification of remote sensing forest structure parameter extraction algorithm. The data set, together with other observation data of the super site, can be used for reconstruction of forest 3D scenes, establishment of active and passive remote sensing mechanism models, and simulation of remote sensing images,etc.


Field LAI dataset in the Heihe River basin (2011)

The dataset is Lai data of ground sample points in Heihe River Basin, collected by LAI-2000 canopy analyzer. The collection area is located in Zhangye rural demonstration base, Ejina Banner, Jiuquan Satellite Center (2011) and other areas. The main measured vegetation is corn. The Lai value of maize was obtained by using lai2000, and the observation was repeated twice in the mode of one up four down. Cd202 was used to obtain the leaf area of each leaf of maize plant, and three maize plants were collected.


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Heihe 1km monthly LAI production (2012)

Water scarcity,food crises and ecological deterioration caused by drought disasters are a direct threat to food security and socio-economic development. Improvement of drought disaster risk assessment and emergency management is now urgently required. This article describes major scientific and technological progress in the field of drought disaster risk assessment. Drought is a worldwide natural disaster that has long affected agricultural production as well as social and economic activities. Frequent droughts have been observed in the Belt and Road area, in which much of the agricultural land is concentrated in fragile ecological environment. Soil relative humidity index is one of the indicators to characterize soil drought and can directly reflect the status of crops' available water.


WATER: Dataset of forest structure parameter measurements for the fixed forest sampling plots in the Dayekou and Pailugou watershed foci experimental areas (2003-3007)

The fixed forest sample plot is located in the drainage ditch of Dayekou, Qilian Mountain, where the hydrological observation field of Gansu Water Conservation Forest Research Institute is located. From July 2003 to August 2003 and from July 2007 to August 2007, the tree survey of the sample plot was completed by technicians from Gansu Water Conservation Forest Research Institute and Institute of environment and Engineering in cold and dry areas of Chinese Academy of Sciences. A total of 17 fixed forest samples were observed, including the survey of sample plot factors and the survey of each tree. The observation factors of sample plots mainly include forest farm, longitude and latitude coordinates, slope direction, slope position, slope, soil thickness, canopy density of arbor layer, leaf area index, etc. The main instruments used in the measurement are tape, DBH, flower pole, tree measuring instrument, compass and fish eye camera. The measurement factors of each tree include DBH, height of tree, height under branch, crown width in cross slope direction, crown width along slope direction, growth status of single tree, etc. For details, please refer to the metadata of "Heihe River Integrated Remote Sensing joint test: fixed sample plot tree survey data set (2003)" and "Heihe River Integrated Remote Sensing joint test: fixed sample plot tree survey data set (2007)". The Lai in this data set is the supplementary measurement data during the joint remote sensing experiment of Heihe River in 2008. That is to say, the supplementary measurement of Lai has been done in these fixed plots. The supplementary observation time of Lai was from June 1 to 13, 2008. 15 of the 17 fixed plots were investigated. Four instruments were used to observe each plot. In addition to the commercial instruments such as hemiview fish eye camera, LAI-2000 and trac, these instruments also use the canopy analysis instrument made by Beijing Normal University. In each 20 m × 20 m plot, trac measures along two parallel routes perpendicular to the direction of sunlight incidence, which can basically represent the entire quadrat; hemiview fisheye camera and LAI-2000 measure the same points, that is, take three points on the trac line, plus the center point of the quadrat, a total of 7 measuring points. This set of data set can provide ground data for the study of remote sensing inversion method of forest structure parameters.


WATER: Dataset of forest structure parameter survey at the forest sampling strip around the Dayekou Guantan forest station

Observation time: 2008-06-05 ~ 2008-06-15.A sample strip with a length of 1Km and a width of 20m was set up to cross the super sample plot from the starting point of the super sample plot at the geantan forest station in ohnoguchi.The compass was used to determine the direction of the sample, and the azimuth was 115 degrees north by east, which was basically consistent with the flight route.20 meters ×20 meters of sample land shall be arranged every 50 meters in the sample belt, a total of 20 pieces of sample land.There is some overlap between the sample belt and the super sample land. The center of the no.1 sample land of the sample belt is located at the center of the super sample land. The observation data is shown in the measurement data set per wood of the super sample land.This data set records the observation data of sample 2 ~ 20.These data include the following three parts: 1) tree data of sample plots: each wood of 2 ~ 20 plots was measured: chest diameter, tree height, crown width and undershoot height.Laser altimeter and ultrasonic altimeter were used to measure the height of big trees and under branches, flower rod was used to measure the height of small trees and under branches, chest diameter was used to measure the chest diameter of trees, and crown width was measured with a leather tape measure. 2) sample location data: the sample location is roughly determined by using a tape measure and compass. The coordinates of the center point of the sample are accurately measured using the French THALES DGPS measurement system (model z-max).The observation method is to use two GPS receivers to conduct synchronous static measurement, one in the reference station and the other in the mobile station. The observation lasts 30 minutes. The data processing software provided by the system is used for post-processing difference. 3) LAI observation data: LAI area index (LAI) of each sample plot was measured by lai-2000 and HemiView.


LAI production of in 1KM of the Heihe River Basin (2000-2012)

The algorithm firstly adopts the canopy BRDF model and represents the canopy reflectivity as a function of a series of parameters such as LAI/FAPAR, wavelength, reflectivity of soil and leaves, aggregation index, incidence and observation Angle.The parameter table is established for several key parameters as the input of inversion.Then input the pre-processed surface reflectance data and land cover data, and invert LAI products by look-up table (LUT) method.See references for detailed algorithms. Image format: tif Image size: about 1M per scene Time range: 2000-2012 Temporal resolution: 8 days Spatial resolution: 1km


Heihe 30 meters LAI production (2012)

From May to October 2012, the monthly Lai vegetation index product data of 30 meters in Heihe River Basin was retrieved by using the environmental satellite CCD image, and the inversion method was based on the look-up table method and go + Hapke model. In the inversion process, Nelson parameters are determined according to vegetation types.
